HELP PLS: Domain-wide Exim Filters


Verified User
Sep 9, 2004
Where's The ANY Key?
HELP PLS: Domain-wide Exim Filter(s)

  • Being totally new to running our own dedicated server as well as DA, we've spent hours and hours reading docs whenever possible. After finally reaching the end of the massive Exim Manual, we've come to the conclusion that our inexperience carries too big a risk of totally killing all email on our server unless we're very careful / lucky.


    Therefore can anyone provide a working example of a domain-wide Exim filter? This might be called a "System Filter" but we're not 100% sure of the terminology yet.

    Our basic requirement is to have Exim automatically make a copy of every message received by any email address on our primary domain, then send the copy to a specific POP3 account for archiving (eg "[email protected]").

    Among many worries we have about unintentionally screwing up all of our email, one is that if we install such a filter on, what will prevent Exim from re-copying our incoming POP3 archive messages back to our domain name in an endless loop?


    PS: Please let us know ASAP if there is no such mechanism as a "Domain-wide Exim Filter"! It wouldn't be the first time we've wasted much time looking "in the wrong direction" for the sake of not understanding what we really should be looking for! :(
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I've found the exim-users list to be extremely helpful; especially once you've searched and can't find the answer. In fact, since the author is very active on the list if you need something that's not there, he may be talked in to adding it.

Information on joining the list can be found here.

  • Hi Jeff, how's the weather there? :cool:

    We joined the exim-users list less than a week after we took delivery of our DA server. Unfortunately there hasn't been any discussion about "domain-wide filters" in that time. We'll return to the website and take a closer look at the archives

    Given the wide experience of DA Forum members, it's our hope that someone here will identify with our question and hopefully provide a working example.
    jlasman said:
    I've found the exim-users list to be extremely helpful; especially once you've searched and can't find the answer. In fact, since the author is very active on the list if you need something that's not there, he may be talked in to adding it.