How to delete backup?


Verified User
Oct 27, 2021
Quick question :)

How to delete backup from /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mysql_backups ?
Thank You :)
Yes, you can delete them. But I won't estimate on how much safe you will be after it. You will be responsible for all the consequences.

Before removing backups you are advised to test your current MySQL installation and make sure it's working fine. Then make sure you have backups in another place. And then only you might consider removing them. That's my way, you might choose your own.
Yes, you can delete them. But I won't estimate on how much safe you will be after it. You will be responsible for all the consequences.

Before removing backups you are advised to test your current MySQL installation and make sure it's working fine. Then make sure you have backups in another place. And then only you might consider removing them. That's my way, you might choose your own.
Thank you, these copies were created today during the update and I don't need them. Thanks again for your quick reply :)