How to determine backup is in progress through terminal


Verified User
Jul 25, 2016
The Earth
When I click backup in DA (user and admin backup), what is the easiest or recommended way to check in terminal if the backup is in progress?
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Admin Tools - >Admin Backup/Transfer
On the top you can see the total progress, click on the details link for the backup details
It would be started by dataskq, so the backup process(es) would be children of that process, and can be seen with 'ps'.
Admin Tools - >Admin Backup/Transfer
On the top you can see the total progress, click on the details link for the backup details

No i mean in server terminal or scripting. Sorry for my confusing question.

It would be started by dataskq, so the backup process(es) would be children of that process, and can be seen with 'ps'.

useful information. This is what I'm looking for. TQ..
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If you have configured DA to notify you through the message system when backups are completed, you can check those messages using the API (using e.g. curl on the command line) for a message about the success (or failure) of a backup.
Hai, does DA has a new mechanism to detect if directadmin has done with backup or in progress

1. Found mentions in logs

[root@server directadmin]# grep "Running Backup" /var/log/directadmin/system.log
2024:10:19-01:32:11: Running Backup: type=admin owner=admin id=1

[root@server directadmin]#

2. Found a lock file:

[root@server admin]# cat /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/backup_slot.1.lock
        "id": "1",
        "owner": "admin",
        "pid": "2384538"

[root@server admin]# ps aux | grep 2384538
root     2384538  4.2  0.6 1787856 25052 ?       Ssl  01:32   0:04 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin taskq --syslog
root     2386056  0.0  0.0  12216  1216 pts/1    R+   01:33   0:00 grep --color=auto 2384538
[root@server admin]#

So I believe if you have a running backup you can find a file:


I hope it helps. You might find probably more details.

The file gets removed as soon as backups are finished or interrupted.