How to fixed CustomBuild version just like another software in Customize Versions?


Verified User
Sep 26, 2022
I have a question about Custombuild, can I locked my Custombuild version in Customize Versions?
Because my directadmin in 1.644 36f862603bd077978a451db5497132bb8f9efe9e ... but my CustomBuild is changing randomlly

After i update a net hotfix of dirctadmin my CB will back to 2.0.0 and it working without any problem
however... after few hours later, my CB will changed to 2.0.0(rev: 2945) and all problem is coming:
Letsencrypt and Redis tell me to "downgrade" and PHP 7.4.32 "Upgrade"!???? to 7.4.30

and I need to "da update current --force" and it back to 2.0.0 again, but... few hours later, it back to 2.0.0(rev: 2945) infinity loop

So.. is there any solution let me locked just 2.0.0 and I can run without problem ? thank you so much

try to change to DE servir or any other that you see when run this command, ant then ./build update to compare available packages versions, maybe there some broken synchronization between mirrors.
nope.... Please change to "files."

DA will remove other mirror and use only one mirror in next version.

versions.txt will updating when upgrade DA binary. On any mirror will be old version and not update anymore.
nope.... Please change to "files."

DA will remove other mirror and use only one mirror in next version.

versions.txt will updating when upgrade DA binary. On any mirror will be old version and not update anymore.
Thanks, I try it now
try to change to DE servir or any other that you see when run this command, ant then ./build update to compare available packages versions, maybe there some broken synchronization between mirrors.
I think so too, because it's really weird
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I want to say: unfortunately... my CustomBuild is back to 2.0.0(rev: 2945)

Hope next directadmin will fix this problem.
Maybe you have selected "stable" channel, it's only one reason in my mind why it can drop version to lower..
Maybe you have selected "stable" channel, it's only one reason in my mind why it can drop version to lower..
Thanks, I switched to stable and downgraded to 1.643 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c , hope this will help
Thank you so much
Unfortunately... my CustomBuild is back to 2.0.0(rev: 2945) again...

I think it's someone problem about CustomBuild version.txt now.. Hope they will fix it when next update.
Or just like they say before : please remove version.txt push from custombuild, just let directadmin push it.

If (Directadmin version > 1.66){

so I dont need to loop this problem again and again
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I need to solve this question so that I can use CustomBuild to upgrade PHP to 8.1.12.

You might use custom_versions.txt and install any version of PHP you want ignoring versions from versions.txt


For more information on what is going on with custombuild script you might check the thread:
You might use custom_versions.txt and install any version of PHP you want ignoring versions from versions.txt


For more information on what is going on with custombuild script you might check the thread:
I think he got same problem with server cronjob just like me before(some server provider like to add cronjob at server, also they add old way to update your CB via mirror).

Just your cronjob:
Just check in

to find which one rollback your CustomBuild
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