how to have spam assasin enabled by default?

SpamAssassin may be a huge server load; there are probably lots of DirectAdmin users who can't use it.

I don't use it because I reject the mail at that point. If I have it deleted then I take a chance on deleting important email. If I send it to a spam box I still have to look at it looking for false positives. If I still have to look at then there is no point in having it go to a spam box, I may as well have it sent to my regular email box. These of course are my personal views. I just don't see any advantage of using spamassassin.
I agree in principle. Over the years I've gotten good at looking through the filter spam-box once a month or so and can find any positives (hardly ever) in minutes.

And my clients like it :).

So we continue to run SpamAssassin.

I am too paranoid about possibly having an important email go to a spambox that only gets checked once every few weeks.

Your spamblocker along with using surbl is good enough for me. That way the sender of a legit email knows I didn't get it and they know what to do to make sure the email is delivered next time. On a rare occasion I have gone up to 24 hours without checking my email and even then it takes me about 5 to 10 minutes to delete all the spam. I think its worth 5 minutes a day for me to act as my own filter instead of an unintelligent piece of software.

Of course all of my email is potential business email. If were personal email then I would not worry about it as much. I don't believe spamassassin should be used on any business account.
An e mail from a legimate source , an e mail with a known sender, or an e mail from a correctly configged server, does not recognized as spam under most circumstances. Spam assasin is a must.

If You dont like it , switch to grey listing, which is something then having nothing at all.

But that will not going to be the end of spam. I am telling You, because, I saw, builded and operated many systems for over 9 years.

We rarely have false positives with SpamAssassin. The only ones we have are from Asian countries (yes, legit e-mail as we do business there).

Aside from those e-mails, I can't remember having any false positives at all.
We rarely have false positives with SpamAssassin. The only ones we have are from Asian countries
Which you could probably avoid by removing or changing some rulesets.

The only false positives we've had in a long time are subscribed emails; we can whitelist those senders.

We rarely have false positives with SpamAssassin.

And my point being is that the only way you would know that is if you looked through all the email that Spamassassin tagged as spam which defeats the purpose of using a spam filter. If you have to look at it then it doesn't matter if its in your Inbox or a Spambox.

Spam assasin is a must.

The RBL's and SURBL's will catch most spam before it even gets to Spamassassin and they properly reject it. Spamassassin cannot reject spam which is why I won't use it.
In the last twelve days alone, for my domain alone, SpamAssassin has caught 1748 messages uncaught by any other spam traps.

1748 / 12 = 146 spam emails per day. So spamassassin saved you about 1 minute, maybe 2 minutes per day. Woohoo.
Are you saying that you can read and delete 146 spam emails in a minute or two? Good for you.

All I'm doing is pointing out what it's saving me.

We have clients who complain when they get two or three spams a day.

We try to educate them about the tradeoffs.

I just sorted through 63 emails 3 of which were spam and the others were legit in some way. Looked and each sender and subject line and make a decision to keep it or deleted it. Total time 45 seconds. I think a human might actually be faster than spamassassin too.
After my last post I went through all 1748 emails (plus 14 more it had found since my post), and it took me 4 minutes and 17 seconds to dispose of all of them. There were false positives it might have taken me a bit longer, because I would have had to move them before deleting, but there weren't any.

Though until recently I was against using SpamAssassin, I now believe it's a good second step after SpamBlocker.

Not at the moment. However SpamBlocker Version 3 I've written does, and I've been discussing with John (the J in JBMC, who generally posts here as DirectAdmin Support) moving to SpamBlocker Version 3 very quickly.

He could always reverse-engineer the old mbox system into SpamBlocker Version 3 if he wishes, but I wouldn't recommend it; Dovecot is a much more efficient way to manage email.

In consideration of it's advantage would you consider NOT using Dovecot? And why?

In consideration of it's advantage would you consider NOT using Dovecot? And why?


I've been given to understand that some providers will not use dovecot and if a customer does, they are "on their own".