So if mail is not stored in /var/spool/mail/virtual anymore then where is is stored? If I am going to "support" something then I have to know what its doing.
This has been documented in the forums; perhaps elsewhere as well; I'm not sure.
Mail is store in two locations:
Subdirectories of
/home/USERNAME/Maildir for server accounts.
Subdirectories of
/home/USERNAME/imap (okay, it's a bit of a misnomer) for virtual accounts.
I don't like anything being done automatically without at least telling what was done.
How did you ever get DirectAdmin installed

Make a copy of your exim.conf file before you run the conversion and then do a diff afterwards.
Is vm-pop3d automatically stopped and taken out of the bootup sequence? Same with imapd?
And why is Dovecot better? I have not seen any problems with vm-pop3d and imapd.
vm-pop3d and imapd both use only mbox files; they work relatively well with small inboxes and in the case of imap for small folders, but in the case of larger ones, you can have problems as each time an email is downloaded, saved, or moved between folders (imap) the entire file has to be rewritten which can take time. In the case of large enough folders and/or inbox it can even bring the system to it's knees or fail. mbox also requires a locking file; email cannot be received while the inbox is open. Individual emails are harder to find from the command line, and even harder to manage. And because of the way files are delimited, if an email includes a line beginning with the word
From , exactly as shown, beginning with a capital F and followed by a space, the line will be escaped with a
> character.
Any good reasons for changing other than Spamblocker3? I have not read every single post but I have seen a lot of references to converting but not many as to why one should convert.
See above.
Spamblocker may not be a reason to convert; After SpamBlocker 3 is released DirectAdmin may decide to backport it to use mbox, or may abandon it altogether.
Is there a faq that tells me all of this?
I don't think so.