How to: inplace upgrade from Centos 7 to Almalinux 8.5

well.. i should have known.
It was my old nemesis firewall.

setenforce 0

yum remove selinux-policy*

rm -rf /etc/selinux/targeted /etc/selinux/config

issue resolved.
Maybe @Activ8 a clue on this?
@Richard G it is Active8 :)
Just see the problem but it seems that this was an error from user side (firewall) and its solved
@Mixtery glad that the migration went well, please share your experience like,
1. did you followed the how-to one by one as described?
2. encounter any other problems or weird error messages ?
3. environment like bare metal or VPS ?
1. did you followed the how-to one by one as described?
i did yes
2. encounter any other problems or weird error messages ?
No, everything runs fine now. Only issue was the firewall. The how-to was a great help!
3. environment like bare metal or VPS ?
Bare metal.
Sorry @Active8 and thanks for having a look.

Good to see everything's fixed now. I never had thought that a firewall could cause such odd error notices as "no such file or directory" or "no authentication method available". Have to keep that in mind for later.
Anyone tried this with CentOS7 with Cloudlinux installed? Or is it better to uninstall Cloudlinux temporarily and reinstall after upgrade?
Just here to say that it worked like a charm! Thanks for the instructions.
In the meantime yes and you can even do the same trick to upgrade from AL8 to AL9
Instructions are here :

Mmm...I upgraded from CentOS 7 to AL 8(.9). Upgrading from AL8(.9) to AL9 is not working. Trying to install "sudo yum install -y leapp-upgrade leapp-data-almalinux" gives me a dependency error. Not sure how to fix this without bricking anything.

I tried allowerasing without succes.

[root@vps admin]# sudo yum install -y leapp-upgrade leapp-data-almalinux
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:57 ago on Fri 17 May 2024 10:34:19 AM CEST.
Problem: package leapp-upgrade-el7toel8-1:0.16.0-6.el7.elevate.20.noarch from @System conflicts with leapp-upgrade-el8toel9 provided by leapp-upgrade-el8toel9-1:0.16.0-6.el8_6.elevate.20.noarch from elevate
- package leapp-upgrade-el8toel9-1:0.16.0-6.el8_6.elevate.20.noarch from elevate conflicts with leapp-upgrade-el7toel8 provided by leapp-upgrade-el7toel8-1:0.16.0-6.el7.elevate.20.noarch from @System
- cannot install the best candidate for the job
- problem with installed package leapp-upgrade-el7toel8-1:0.16.0-6.el7.elevate.20.noarch
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages or '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
[root@vps admin]# sudo yum install -y leapp-upgrade leapp-data-almalinux --allowerasing
Last metadata expiration check: 0:02:11 ago on Fri 17 May 2024 10:34:19 AM CEST.
Problem: package leapp-upgrade-el7toel8-1:0.16.0-6.el7.elevate.20.noarch from @System conflicts with leapp-upgrade-el8toel9 provided by leapp-upgrade-el8toel9-1:0.16.0-6.el8_6.elevate.20.noarch from elevate
- package leapp-upgrade-el8toel9-1:0.16.0-6.el8_6.elevate.20.noarch from elevate conflicts with leapp-upgrade-el7toel8 provided by leapp-upgrade-el7toel8-1:0.16.0-6.el7.elevate.20.noarch from @System
- cannot install the best candidate for the job
- problem with installed package leapp-upgrade-el7toel8-1:0.16.0-6.el7.elevate.20.noarch

Tried removing the leap-upgrade package, same error. Cannot find a way to force remove the packages.


Force removed the conflicting packages, new error :')

[root@vps admin]# sudo yum install -y leapp-upgrade leapp-data-almalinux
Last metadata expiration check: 0:20:28 ago on Fri 17 May 2024 10:34:19 AM CEST.
Problem: package leapp-upgrade-el8toel9-1:0.16.0-6.el8_6.elevate.20.noarch from elevate requires leapp, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best candidate for the job
- package leapp-0.14.0-1.el8_6.noarch from elevate is filtered out by exclude filtering
- package leapp-0.15.1-1.el8.noarch from appstream is filtered out by exclude filtering
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)


Fixed after removing the exclude shizzle from /etc/yum.conf.
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Force removed the conflicting packages, new error :')
That was mentioned in the link, maybe you have missed:


We have phased out AL8 on all our Linux servers and upgraded to AL9 and most of them are upgraded from AL8 with this howto
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@Active8 Kak, vergeten ?

I totally missed this. I didnt prepare the system, I clicked the Migrate chapter directly lol.