[How-To] Linux Malware Detect on Directadmin Powered server

Since today, Maldetect is throwing errors. Anybody else too? This was the mail from cron:

/etc/cron.daily/maldet: line 105: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
/etc/cron.daily/maldet: line 108: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Odd, because line 105 is a blank line and line 108 only has the "fi" statement.
The error was reported during the upgrade which happened once tonight. It is not going repeatedly, and is not reproducible by manual triggering the cron script.
Since the latest update to 1.6.6 I get the following error on all servers:

Feb 26 2025 03:42:41 maldet(2510122): {scan} executed /bin/nice -n 19 /bin/ionice -c2 -n 6 /bin/find /home?/?/domains/?/public_html/,/var/www/html/?/ /tmp /var/tmp /dev/shm -path "/usr/local/maldetect" -prune -o -maxdepth 15 -regextype posix-egrep -type f \( -mtime -1 -o -ctime -1 \) -size +24c -size -6947618c -not -perm 000 -not -uid 0 -not -gid 0
Feb 26 2025 03:42:41 servidor1 maldet(2510122): {scan} scan returned empty file list; check that path exists, contains files in days range or files in scope of configuration.

Is anyone else having the same issues and/or knows how to fix this?

This has happened on multiple servers simultaneously after the update, before it was working just fine.
We also had the same problem on our servers after updating to the latest version:

maldet(3672940): {scan} executed /bin/nice -n 19 /bin/ionice -c2 -n 6 /bin/find /home?/?/domains/?/public_html/,/var/www/html/?/ /tmp /var/tmp /dev/shm -path "/usr/local/maldetect" -prune -o -maxdepth 15 -regextype posix-egrep -type f \( -mtime -1 -o -ctime -1 \) -size +24c -size -6947618c -not -perm 000 -not -uid 0 -not -gid 0
maldet(3672940): {scan} scan returned empty file list; check that path exists, contains files in days range or files in scope of configuration.
For our check yesterday new files were added to the test account, also it is hard to believe that cms does not provide a cache of new files at least on one site. Before the update every day there were some files, after the update no.
Downgrade to 1.6.5 which should still exist under /usr/local/ folder, e.g. /usr/local/maldetect.bk12565 and disable auto upgrades:

perl -pi -e 's#^autoupdate_version=.*#autoupdate_version="0"#' /usr/local/maldetect/conf.maldet

Control the version in /usr/local/maldetect/VERSION/

And/or report the bug to:

Linux Malware Detect v1.6.6
            (C) 2002-2025, R-fx Networks <[email protected]>
            (C) 2025, Ryan MacDonald <[email protected]>
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2