How to move a directory in home directory to somewhere else while using 2nd volume in DirectAdmin?


Verified User
Jul 24, 2013
Mashhad, Iran
Previously, I had a VPS with 40GB of storage and DA was installed on it. This capacity is not enough anymore to store data, and instead of upgrading plan, we decided to add an extra volume to server.
The reason of this issue is backup files which we are saving them in /home/admin/backups/ path. To store these backups, we are using FTPS on other servers.
What we need now, is moving backups directory to /mnt/vol2/backups/ and keep access to it via FTP.

May you tell me how can I do that please?
You can mount your new volume anywhere you want, so assuming /home/admin/backups/ is currently empty, you can do:

# mount /dev/yournewvolume /home/admin/backups

You also want to add this to /etc/fstab so it's mounted again when you reboot the server, e.g.

/dev/yournewvolume /home/admin/backups ext3 defaults 0 2

Replace ext3 with the actual filesystem you've used.

Make sure the ownership and permission on /home/admin/backups is correct after mounting your new volume.

If /home/admin/backups/ is not empty, you should move the files away before mounting another device to it.