how to optimize apache


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Why do you need to optimize Apache? What are you trying to achieve? Less RAM usage? Stable video-streaming? Quicker work of PHP scripts? Security? More users online? Brute-force stability?
Why do you need to optimize Apache? What are you trying to achieve? Less RAM usage? Stable video-streaming? Quicker work of PHP scripts? Security? More users online? Brute-force stability?
All of them and more Quicker work of PHP scripts
You can't have it all. Faster stuff means less stuff/modules. More security means less userfriendly etc.
mod_ruid2=no then you need all PHP-FPM

PHP-FPM normally is fast and perfect for small business

Also use nginx_apache + php-fpm is second choice
more speed should use multi server and multi ip address / seperate subnet
and also should disable Exim or any service that doesn't used. Like ClamAV ... etc...

Enable Opcache can help excute PHP Script too.