How to require secure connections for E-mail?


Verified User
Jan 19, 2011
I'm currently trying to configure exim to use TLS only, but it seems like things are a bit more complicated than expected (and I expected to simply add a variable to the exim configuration ;).

The official DA Basic system security guide links to this post which, however, is quite old:

It recommends editing exim.conf directly, but as has been confirmed recently, that's not how we're supposed to do it.

Also, there seems to be a shorter way of getting it done, which is by setting:
hosts_require_tls = *

Problem is, it's not a variable that can be added to exim.variables.conf.custom. From what I've read, it can be added in two places:
#1 in exim.conf in the remote_smtp section (but then I'm editing exim.conf again)
#2 in exim.transports.pre.conf where several members of this forum have it. Only problem: I don't have such a file on my server, and my hunch is that adding it would open an entirely new can of worms.

Anyone with a flashlight of knowledge who can shed some light on this?