How to uninstall DA or remove it from Almalinux 9 completely


Verified User
Jan 14, 2022
Dear Sir,

I have tried to search for the above topic on the Internet, and it seems nothing is found.

Is it possible to uninstall Direct Admin from an Almalinux 9 server?

Very appreciate your support.

I am a bit stupid any way. Just destroy it with reinstalling AlmaLinux 9; that is what I need.

Many thanks
Is it working or not?

Why do you ask? Whichtever is the reason on deleting Directadmin, you will most likely bring all installed services down. Neither Apache/Nginx/OpenLiteSpeed/LiteSpeed nor PHP-FPM can work after /usr/local/directadmin/ folder is removed (unless you modify existing configs). Since that there is no risk for you to try any guide from Internet.

If you really need to clean the server from Directadmin you should re-install the OS.

Thus I may assume, you want to reduce costs on renting Directadmin, by removing it from your server, and keep running installed services without the control panel. If this is the case, I don't have instructions for you. Probably others have.