[HOWTO] mod_ruid2

I haven't, but maybe I should? Either way it doesn't really matter as it hasn't been a problem before, and after an update you can simply check if it's gone.

I don't know the specifics how DA and custombuild works, wanted to get the information so someone could build it with the right set of information available to them.
We like to do automated updates as often as possible, but I think for the future we'll probably do manual updates on new servers, until we know with certainty.

Thanks, everyone!

We like to do automated updates as often as possible, but I think for the future we'll probably do manual updates on new servers, until we know with certainty.

Thanks, everyone!


CustomBuild doesn't touch custom templates (/usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom), and without "./build rewrite_confs" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf is not rewritten. Copy your httpd.conf to /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/ap2/conf and it will have the mod_ruid2 changes even after "./build rewrite_confs".
I want to run a CGI script now but it doesn't work because:
[2011-07-06 08:54:21]: user mismatch (pietje instead of apache)

I can change the file to apache owner.. but is this how i need to do this?
My has 755 as permission...

What should i do?:eek:
Then your configuration is probably not correct.
Since normally if you reach the file by the URL (domain) it should be user 'pietje' and not apache.

I guess you are trying to reach the file with the temp url like: http://hostname.domain.tld/~username/ ? (then it doesn't work)

Have you done all steps also the templates?
no i'm working with a plain .com domain.

I have done all steps, but that was a while ago, i now created this new reseller... perhaps i need to do the steps again? Also i update directadmin a few times perhaps that overwrite the templates... i will try to do those steps again!
Somehow it seems all templates are back to the old once... perhaps because of this directadmin updates?

I will redo the steps...
Somehow it seems all templates are back to the old once... perhaps because of this directadmin updates?

I will redo the steps...
Then you didn't follow the steps correctly. Since I've wrote everything with custom directory (so it won't be overwritten)
Ok i think i did it again wrong...

because i thought you ment: copy all to costum so you have a backup...

Can i redo the those steps? will it break something?

*YESS it worked!
perhaps a good idee to make it a bit clearer? Ok perhaps it's just me, but i somehow though you ment change the files you copy-ed.. i thought you ment the original files.. :)
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*YESS it worked!
perhaps a good idee to make it a bit clearer? Ok perhaps it's just me, but i somehow though you ment change the files you copy-ed.. i thought you ment the original files.. :)
As you can see with the steps, I copy-ed the files to 'custom' directory so they won't be overwritten. And the files IN 'custom' you should edit.

Then you need also to rebuild your HTTPd configurations
Now copy the template files to custom
cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/
cp virtual_host2* custom/
chown -R diradmin:diradmin custom/ 

Now you have copied the original templates to the 'custom' directory, so they won't be overwritten.

It is clear enough.

Sure, maybe put a
cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom/
Now follow the steps below for each virtual_host2 file you've copied

Should be helpful for who didnt get what you meant.

squirrelmail not working anymore

i just notice i now have problems with access the /squirrelmail
I changed some of the owner/groups so the users could access his mail.

But is it possible to still run squirrelmail now every user has different owner and group? Before squirrelmail was webapps owner and group also all files in it.. but now when a users access /squirrelmail the user is different depending on the domain it access! So what do i need to do with /data dir? (/var/www/html/squirrelmail-1.4.21/data)
Anyone here tried to get a per-user php.ini work with mod_ruid2?

I have an account that requires certain php values to be modified:


How do you guys accomplish something like this per user?

if you use mod_php + mod_ruid2
you should use .htaccess to change php variable per user