httpd crashes, all websites offline


New member
May 29, 2024

On a DA server at our place, several times a week the httpd is running full/crashes causing all present websites to go offline. After a service restart of httpd, everything comes back online within +/- 1 minute. httpd can reach up to 5GB or more.

Rebuilding and/or reinstalling does not help, this has been tried several times. Our suspicion lies with a corrupt website oid, but at the same time I wonder, if that (one website being corrupt) can cause this problem.

Any ideas?

Best regards, Michael
Better to check it in logs while it fresh, maybe OMMkiller, maybe "ulimits", maybe open file limits for service. There can be a lot of reasons.
one account could make your server freeze, if you not limit their resource usage like... memory
Thanks for the reactions. Is there a simple way to monitor memory usage for each domain or even better is there a way of checking which domain causes the problem itself? Or just checking the logs while working until it crashes...
Or monitor it with TOP or HTOP (my favourite) , I assume here you have SSH access
TOP/HTOP can give you an realtime cpu/memory/process resources used by users that gives you an idea who is the big spender on your server
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Directadmin only has "Resource Limits", it's per user usage monitor.
if you use Propack setup memory limits per user account and place

Also you can get useful data about usage per user in GUI from netdata plugin

da build netdata
Thanks all.

I'll monitor first and dig in to where the problem is coming from or even better which user causes the problem...

Netdata is just installed :)