httpd.service fails to start due to httpd.conf syntax issue


New member
Jun 16, 2024

I went into the custom HTTPD settings submenu in hopes to make some adjustments, and when I did it caused a syntax error in one of my httpd.conf files. It seems no matter what I do I am unable to revert back to the original default conf file and my server is down because of it.

Can someone tell me how to restore the conf file to what it was before?

Thank you,

I know what line(s) are causing the syntax error and I can edit them from ssh on the server however if I run da build rewrite_confs it just overwrites them with the version that has a syntax error.
Remove what you did in the Custom HTTPD Configurations for the affected domain(s), then rewrite configs.
Remove what you did in the Custom HTTPD Configurations for the affected domain(s), then rewrite configs.
I am not sure how to do that. When I click on "customize" it doesn't give me the option to remove or revert, just add values to what already exists. 1718567348309.png

Here I only get the "customize" button. Is there another method to remove what I added? 1718567405891.png
Did you also checked the custom boxes for entry's? CUSTOM1, CUSTOM2 etc. Remove what is in there. Also if you have added it to the SSL conf you might need to check that also.
if you are retail license, just create supoort ticket and let DA Team fixed for you.

we don't know where you put customize config, it's hard to help you.