if i allow ssh for users Is it jailed ssh?

Yea, the version hardcoded like that wouldnt be too good for the future and other versions obviously...how about this to retrieve someone's current version? Don't know if I may be doing it a more complicated way...but you get the point. :)

PERL_VERSION=`perl -v | awk '/perl,/ { print $4 }' | awk --field-separator=v '{ print $2 }'`

mkdir -p $USER_HOME/usr/lib/perl5/$PERL_VERSION/i386-linux-thread-multi/CORE

This is just for the directory creation process, so when the libraries are needed to be copied over, the parent directories exist.

I like that "dynamic" soluition.. I'll throw it in, thanks ;)

Dutch speaking users, please check this:

"Deze howto beschrijft hoe je een chrootsysteem kan opzetten voor de SSH gebruikers op je systeem. Gedurende deze handleiding moet je ingelogd zijn als root."

Please note it's an EXTRA service next to your original sshd server.
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