Independant passwords for default accounts


Verified User
Aug 21, 2005
Hi guys,

One of the most confusing things for new users, is the password and default account scheme DA uses. When it comes time to change a password just for the FTP account, the drama begins.

I'm sure I don't have to detail out the problems. Anyone that deals with DA users, know what I?m talking about ;)

My suggestion, which I'm sure this has been brought up before, si to simply allow passwords for the deafult FTP, default Email, and default DB passwords to be changed independatly.

My suggestion, which I'm sure this has been brought up before, si to simply allow passwords for the deafult FTP, default Email, and default DB passwords to be changed independatly.

I'm looking at the change password looks like you can choose which password you want to change:

DirectAdmin Account
Main FTP Account
Main Database Account

via check boxes
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I'm looking at the change password looks like you can choose which password you want to change:

DirectAdmin Account
Main FTP Account
Main Database Account

via check boxes

Right. That's what is confusing to some people. What I was recommending is to be able to change the password from the corresponding section. Just like other accounts,. Not a general change password for all default accounts,.

You gotta get into your customers shoes here.

Joe : "Ok, I'm going to attempt to change my FTP password"

typical right ? A new user wants to change JUST his ftp password right ?

Joe: "Ok, so let's see, I change my FTP password in the FTP sections right ?"

You gotta get into your customers shoes here.

I guess my customers ain't technical....they seem to see change password on the main screen and go there to change passwords...after all, that's what the selection is telling them they can do there.

One thing is matter how one designs a control system, someone will feel it's not correct, another will think it's tremendous and others will simply use it without comment.
Mi idea is to have passwords changed in one place, not two. Even though, us as admins, understand that there is only one default user (the OS user) a non-technical client,. doesn't know that.

Another example.

Your client changes his FTP password using the change password button,. Exellent,.. all good,. he only checked the FTP account,. the rest of the stuff he had no clue what it was about,. but no prob.

2 months later,. wants to give his web designer access. Creates an FTP account for him.

2 days later he fires the designer,. wants to change the password.

Where does he go ? Change password ? FTP admin ?

See whatamean ? It can take him 2 minutes to figure,. out ,.. or 10 minutes for you to explain it to him over the phone. Or 4 tickets.
Mi idea is to have passwords changed in one place, not two. Even though, us as admins, understand that there is only one default user (the OS user) a non-technical client,. doesn't know that.

Doh...isn't that the change password know on the main page that your user sees when he administers his/her site?????

Where does he go ? Change password ? FTP admin ?

See whatamean ? It can take him 2 minutes to figure,. out ,.. or 10 minutes for you to explain it to him over the phone. Or 4 tickets.

Well, to do what you could have to have every email/ftp user listed in the change password section....that might work.....and then on the smae page we could look forward to

Not sure how much of a problem is really is, since it seems to be explained at

If it's really a problem for your users. you might want to develop a FAQ or knowledge base for them....let them know about it when they sign up with you....but people being people, a number of them will forget or ignore it.

I used to write a lot of documentation...and if people couldn't understand it, I felt it was my problem, not theirs. But, I cheated....I hired people with learning disabilities and got them to read the docs and the howto stuff....when they could understand it, I figured the job was done.

Good luck...if you do develop the might assist a lot of other folks if you shared it.
some people just don't get it.

I really don't want to turn this into a me -> explain -> you , post. Would you mind letting other people read and respond ?

some people just don't get it.

I really don't want to turn this into a me -> explain -> you , post. Would you mind letting other people read and respond ?

Yep...Ii was thinking the same thing myself. It's actually pretty boring, since it's all opinion and not you can campaign for a re-write of the GUI and much as ya want.

Unmonitoring the thread.....and by the way, anyone could have read and responded...and apparently no one other than myself was so motivated. Perhaps you can post to yourself.
Mi idea is to have passwords changed in one place, not two.

I agree. Its already in one spot. You want to put it in different sections. If they want to change their ftp password you want them to have to go to the ftp section. If they want to change their database password you want them to have to go to the database section. If they want to change their main directadmin account password you want them to have to go to the main page I guess.

That is 3 different sections for changing passwords, not one as you suggest. Its already in one spot.

That's what is confusing to some people.

<sarcasm>Yes I can see where sending people to a change passwords section and giving them the choice to change their DA password, DB password. and FTP password would be real confusing.</sarcasm>

If you really want to change it then modify the skin to say what you want it to say. You could have done that in the same amount of time you have spent posting here. I just find it interesting that you suggest changing the password in 1 place and then suggest that there be 3 different places.

Would you mind letting other people read and respond ?

Hi Floyd,

What I was asking for was exactly what you agreed on. I must have been doing 4 things at once when I said "One spot not two"

Glad I'm not the only that sees this.

BTW , for me this is nothing critical. We actually do explain this in out FAQ, forum and video tutorials. But just thought I'd get some thoughts going about this, if it could be something more intuitive, it could certainly help us DA admins.

Specially for companies like our that have over 1200 shared hosting clientes.

Then what we agreed on is what is already in place. You are requesting a feature that is already in place.

I don't think we agree. You want to put the change password in 3 places and I would like it to stay in 1 place. What if you want to change all 3? Then you would have to go to 3 different places instead of doing it all at once.
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Jesus Christ..

I'm talking about the DEFAULT accounts,. not the ones created afterwards.
I'm sure I don't have to detail out the problems. Anyone that deals with DA users, know what I?m talking about

I have about 60 servers leased out to people and I cannot even figure what you are talking about. So I think you do need to "detail out the problems."
I'm talking about the default FTP, Email, and database accounts that DA creates when it creates a new user.

You know, the ones you have to go to the home page, click on the Change Password button to chage their passwords.

My idea was to be able to change there passwords , the same way (and in the same spot) you can change the password for any consecutive account you create afterwards.

I can get some screenshots for you if you understand things better visually :D
I'm talking about the default FTP, Email, and database accounts that DA creates when it creates a new user.

So we are talking about users that get added afterward.

But still not getting it.

You want the end user to be able to change their own passwords for all 3 things in one location right?
Nope, obivously that how it works now.

what I have in mind is for customers to be able to do the following:

default FTP account passwords to be changed in FTP admin section
default Email passwords to be changed in Email admin section
default DB passwords to be changed in MYSQL admin section

ya know whattamean Floyd ?
Then I don't see how you could have thought we agreed on anything when I said exactly the opposite.

You said:
Mi idea is to have passwords changed in one place, not two.

Therefore we agree. But you contradicted yourself.

Previously you had said:
What I was recommending is to be able to change the password from the corresponding section.

So first you said in different places then you said in one spot.

I also guess you do not know what sarcasm is.

But back to my point. Why would you want to make people have to go to 3 different places when they want to change all their passwords at once? Right now they can go to one place and change either 1,2, or all 3.

All you are taking about doing is a skin change. So do it. You don't need DA to do that for you.
You are getting more, and more lost.

Did you understand my last post ? (that's what really matters)