Solved Installing DirectAdmin with already existing user.


Verified User
Nov 16, 2019
Hello everyone,

I am in the process of preparing everything to move from my VPS provider to my own hypervisor and in turn this will cause me to reinstall DirectAdmin. (SInce I prefer to do a reinstall and not a clone install to limit the potential issues.)
Now I have a Cloud-Init template to auto install DirectAdmin and it works without issue.

Now was I wondering if it is possible to have Cloud-Init add the admin user to the OS so that it can also setup SSH-keys and sudo access for the admin user.
Or will adding the admin user to the OS cause issues for the DirectAdmin installer?

I have as for now just let Cloud-Init create a different user then admin.
But this adds another user that I end up deleting later and thus would like to know if this is really needed or that I can just install DirectAdmin in a host that already has a user admin.

Thanks in advance.
I am a vps provider. I create template to install new VPS. But I only set admin pass same as root pass, ipswap.
I don't think add new admin user is the best solution
For as far as I can see for now, it is not really adviced to have existing users on the host before installing DirectAdmin. (Even though I also cannot find any reason why is should break anything.)
So what I have decided to do is to just tell Cloud-Init to not create any users and just have the admin user add its own SSH keys via DirectAdmin.