Installing wordpress


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Hi guys,

i've looking to install wordpress onto my website to host a blog, but i dont have any clue on how to do it after reading the guide provided by wordpress,
anyone out there can help?

Download the latest distribution of WordPress to your local computer. Unzip it. Use a FTP program to FTP the files onto your hosting account. Be sure to place the fiels in the folder where you would like them to appear on the web.

For example, domains/ will place your blog at

Create a new MySQL database under MySQL Management. Note the information down.

Edit your wp-config.php file on the server and fill in the MySQL database information.

Visit or, if you placed it in a new folder,
Your ftp site is the ftp address and path your hosting company gave you to upload to your server via ftp. You should contact them for any help.

directadmin and Wordpress 3.0

Has anyone installed Wordpress 3.0 with multiple domain support?
One install that supports Wordpress for multiple top level domains.

Have a VPS with DirectAdmin. Believe I'll need to set up a reseller account and move existing domains over from my main admin account, do a few code adds to Apache files, and then add content for each domain from within Wordpress. Has anyone done this?
Did you really mean multiple top level domains? Top level domains are such as .com, .net, and .org.

Or do you mean multiple domains?

Is this a new feature of WordPress 3.0?

You could also try creating a symlink from one public_html to the other. Saves some http configuring, and only one account will do I'll guess.
Without studying this, I'd think you can do it with site aliasing, but as user Arieh points out, you'd need everything in one account because the username is critical for php to work as cgi.

I am wanting to use WordPress Multiple User and a lot of my pals have recommended DirectAdmin. Now, I am struggling to find out if I can make all this work with a cloud hosting account. I guess I never realized there could be so much going on behind a Web site. If anyone has any experience with a set-up like this, I could sure use some advice.
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You're pretty much on your own as no one on these forums has mentioned doing it.

That said, you may be able to do it with site aliasing, but as I wrote before you'd need everything in one account because the username must be the same for all domains.

If you need entire separate domains, it may also be doable (also all domains in one account) by having the admin make changes to the site-specific exim.conf file to point all domains to the same DocumentRoot.

Since I wrote the above someone has responded on another thread with a way to do this. I have not tested it; I'm only pointing out that the thread exists.

Please feel free to search these forums; you may find a usable reply.
