Installing Xen

I don't have anything to do with changing user status. That's done by DirectAdmin Staff. I noticed the status change so I brought it to your attention.

hi guys, just to join one moment into the discussion ...

I tryed time ago to install windows server 2003 on xen (Debian 64bit)

The configuration was 1TB and dual xeon quad and 8 GB of ram...

Now when i've installed it, the problem that i found was to configure the network... Somebody of you tryed to install it sometime?

Thanks in advance for the answer
Jeff did you ever get to play with Xen?
Not yet. I've finished the SpamBlocker exim.conf file, Version 4, and I'm finishing up a new billing server. Once that's done the next step is that new server sitting on our workbench, as a Xen server.

Just use:

cat /boot/grub/menu.lst

If it shows something like this, you're al good to go and reboot. Remember to set SELINUX disabled because Xen doesn't cope with it all too wel (at least, that my experience):

title CentOS (2.6.18-194.11.4.el5xen)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/xen.gz-3.4.3 dom0_mem=768m
        module /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.11.4.el5xen ro root=LABEL=/
        module /boot/initrd-2.6.18-194.11.4.el5xen.img

Also mind the dom0_mem. For a machine with 8 GB's of RAM you'll need dom0_mem to be 512M. For 12GB of RAM (like me) you'll need 768M.
. For 12GB of RAM (like me) you'll need 768M.

Disagree. My 32GB machines only have 512MB and are fine.

[root@xenserver ~]# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           512        507          4          0        164         89
-/+ buffers/cache:        253        258
Swap:         3814          0       3814
No, you do not get what I mean. You need to boot the dom0 kernel with 512M

No, I do get it.

        kernel /boot/xen.gz-3.4.3 dom0_mem=768m

Mine is 512M and the host node has 32GB of RAM in it. And it's plenty.
Even the link you used says to use 512. Why do you say 256 is being wasted? Its only wasted if you don't use it somewhere else.

You link to something saying I'm right and contest it that you're right? :confused:
You link to something saying I'm right and contest it that you're right? :confused:

No we are both right. We both say to use 512.

I did not post the link. I think you meant to quote tomtom901.
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Instead of telling dom0 to use 768 and tell it use 512 then you have 256 to use elsewhere.
Instead of telling dom0 to use 768 and tell it use 512 then you have 256 to use elsewhere.

The 256M is wasted if it is acknowledged to the dom0 because you cannot use it elsewhere if the dom0_mem=768M. We're both meaning the same thing but from a different point of view I suppose.
It should be 512M and then you have the 256 to use elsewhere. Its not wasted.

You are the one that said

and that is simply not true.

Oh, now I see what you mean. Yes, in that case you are right, but it doesn't have to be 512M. It could also be 768M because that is just the amount of memory the Dom0 gets.
Understanding is a wonderful thing. I should have said "can be 512." In the end it all depends on what the host machine is being asked to do. Each host machine may have to be adjusted accordingly. I believe 512 is a good starting point.