Interest in iPhone Application?

And I'd love to see one for Android :). But best for both of us would probably be a skin designed for a smartphone. We and others could use it no matter which smartphone.

I'd be willing to pay significantly more than $.99 for mobile access to DA, maybe up to $15.

There are, as I see it, two routes here. The first is to build an application that will access DirectAdmin via the API. The second, maybe easier, route would be to build a mobile template/theme for DA that looks like a native iPhone application.

For me the latter would be easier, but I have no experience with cocoa.

Regarding access via blackberry vs. iphone: Of course DA works in safari on iphone, it just doesn't feel like an iPhone application- it looks like a webpage rendered on a tiny little screen. A native application or a stylesheet specifically for iphone/mobile devices would far superior to the current situation.

Best of luck if you're pursuing this. I do think there is a market.

I'm with you. Finally we release a version for iPhone with 3 levels access. The link of app store is here :
Android version is comming soon.
I would rather prefer a Mobile skin. So users can also use it. Makes more sense than investing in an app for me.
I would rather prefer a Mobile skin. So users can also use it. Makes more sense than investing in an app for me.

Same here, actually, but after spending the last hour searching there doesn't seem to be much of anything in this department available for DA. The default DA skin is barely usable on my Epic, which has a 4+ inch screen. I will immediately buy whatever comes first: a mobile-friendly theme, android app, or carrier pigeon that solves the problem.
Any update on an Android version?

Android version is not finished and tested yet.

Well, I had me a pigeon
By the name of Fred
But I done shot him
In the head

Had me a railroad
Down on the ridge
But I done blowed up
The bridge

Had me a dog
He was my best friend
But to him
I done put an end