NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
And I'd love to see one for Android
. But best for both of us would probably be a skin designed for a smartphone. We and others could use it no matter which smartphone.

I'd be willing to pay significantly more than $.99 for mobile access to DA, maybe up to $15.
There are, as I see it, two routes here. The first is to build an application that will access DirectAdmin via the API. The second, maybe easier, route would be to build a mobile template/theme for DA that looks like a native iPhone application.
For me the latter would be easier, but I have no experience with cocoa.
Regarding access via blackberry vs. iphone: Of course DA works in safari on iphone, it just doesn't feel like an iPhone application- it looks like a webpage rendered on a tiny little screen. A native application or a stylesheet specifically for iphone/mobile devices would far superior to the current situation.
Best of luck if you're pursuing this. I do think there is a market.
I would rather prefer a Mobile skin. So users can also use it. Makes more sense than investing in an app for me.
Any update on an Android version?