Invalid command 'suPHP_UserGroup'

I can confirm if you run apache 1.3.x you will more than likely need to do the above restoring your old virtual host template files.

Otherwise you're plum out of luck as force/config mode does not work/support 1.3.x and paranoid will break things royally (due to public_html directories being default owned by user:apache)
Yeah that is about the only method, as force/config doesn't work at all on apache 1.3.x according to suPHP's configure script/site.

It boils down to why on earth did DA incorporate this template change in the first place? As public_html directories get owned by user:apache and not user:user so the template change even breaks paranoid on configure (and owner just doesn't work properly since it doesn't look to the config file then).

suPHP works perfectly fine without the virtual_host template changes (if using owner mode). I'm at a loss for why this headache got caused in the first place, is there any DA staff who had a hand in this change that can enlighten us as to why something which will conflict/cause issues with apache 1.3.x got incorporated into the templates?

For those of us running DA for quite some time from what I am aware it defaulted to having apache as the usergroup awhile back. As such it causes more problems than good. On top of which paranoid does in fact break things beyond virtualhosts (namely aliases), as others have confirmed previously.

This is definitely a disappointment to many running DA on their servers (I know I sure am disappointed in the way this has been implimented out of the blue, and isn't needed in the first place anyhow....). I've had suPHP running from source for awhile now and it works perfectly fine without these template changes that got implimented (which in fact break it if you run mode owner).

Also smtalk from the link you provided....

If the option does not exist in the directadmin.conf (all current existing installs of DA), then the default in the DA binary will be chmod username:apache 750, so that nothing changes for current systems.

It is defaulting to user:apache not the other way around.
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yeah this would explain why I had a server httpd service go down for a few hours when a user simply added a domain since paranoid mode wasnt enabled and the above error occured.