Ioctl can't find the server's ip address after upgrade to 1.61.5


Verified User
Mar 27, 2016
Hi all,

I have a clean install of CentOS 8 with DirectAdmin 1.61.3, all is working fine. Can restart the server without issue.

First step, upgrading DirectAdmin to 1.61.5

I immediately receive a message:
The service 'directadmin' on server da.localdomain is currently down

Restarting the server and try DirectAdmin login:

DirectAdmin Error Log:
2020:10:05-11:43:20: ioctl can't find the server's ip address for eth0 : Cannot assign requested address
2020:10:05-11:43:20: The ip of this machine () does not match the ip in the license file.<br>
Check the value of your ethernet_dev=eth0 setting in your /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf file and the output of /sbin/ifconfig<br>

Starting DirectAdmin via commandline (service directadmin start) works without problems and I can login to DirectAdmin again.

Note: haven't changed anything, it's a clean install. All worked fine with DirectAdmin 1.61.3, The upgrade to DirectAdmin 1.61.5 created the issue.
How do I fix this?

All the best,
Check the value of your ethernet_dev=eth0 setting in your /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf file and the output of /sbin/ifconfig<br>
Did you already do this?

Because often in Centos 8 the ethernet device can have another name. If you check with the ifconfig command (or ip a) you can verify.
In my case it's enp35s0 and then this has to be changed in directadmin.conf.

Maybe you already checked, just making sure.
Hi Richard, sorry for the late reply.

Thanks for the suggestion, the ethernet_dev=eth0 setting was correctly set, looks like the system wasn't fully started yet.

After a restart (and waiting a couple of minutes) all seems to be working fine.

All the best,
No problem, better late then never. :)
Good to read it was only a timing issue. Thanks for the reply!