Solved IPv6 not in dns records


Verified User
Nov 25, 2019
Hi all,

I'm currently running almalinux 8.8 on a new server, i changed settings so it would accept IPv6.
I also did
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin set ipv6 1 restart
/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq d
I have added the IPV6 (both) in the IP manager and added them to the device ETH0, set them to global etc.
Also linked them to the ipv4 ips

But still DA doesnt add them to (old) domains and also not to new domains, can somebody tell me what i did wrong?
Also linked them to the ipv4 ips
You might have made the same mistake as I did when I started with ipv6.
Did you select the ipv6 and linked the ipv4 in there? If yes, that's the wrong way. :)

You have to click the ipv4 and then link the ipv6 in there to the ipv4.
You might have made the same mistake as I did when I started with ipv6.
Did you select the ipv6 and linked the ipv4 in there? If yes, that's the wrong way. :)

You have to click the ipv4 and then link the ipv6 in there to the ipv4.
Wow..... this was it :')

Thanks (again) Richard!