IPV6 support in IP management

I may be a little mixed up on the details. Everything I know about ipv6 came from googling around after this thread got started. The main thing that I do know is that there is nothing we can do to force this change to ipv6.

And DA is just a control panel that reads and writes configuration files. If you want DA to support ipv6 then all you have to is write the custom scripts to do what you want it to do. You can certainly have DA write the ipv6 data in the bind zone files and apache files if you know what the configuration is supposed to be.
I'd like to see IPv6 support too, with the ability to 'alias' sites to an ipv6 IP or setup IPv6 IP's as dedicated sites..

We've started rolling out IPv6 in our network too, the demand for it is increasing..
It is very, very easy to add IPv6 support in Apache.

You need two things:

1) A NameVirtualHost:
NameVirtualHost [2001:7b8:613:1::11]:80

2) Add an extra IP to the VirtualHost:
<VirtualHost [2001:7b8:613:1::11]:80>

Exim, ProFTPd and most other services already support IPv6 by default. So it is not a lot of work.

The easiest way to do it for DirectAdmin (maybe not the best way), would be to create an extra file with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. So when you create a new user with a specific IPv4 address, DirectAdmin checks which IPv6 address is 'connected' to that IPv4 address and creates the website(s) for both the IPv4 and the IPv6 address.

In the Netherlands we already have ISP's with native IPv6 colocation. We also have our racks running with native IPv6 and it works great.
Note though that you need apache2 for IPv6, or a patched version of apache1 (from kame.net)
That's true indeed, but Apache 2 is very common nowadays. I think many systems still running Apache 1.3 lack IPv6 support on other areas (kernel, other services) too.

Anyway, it would be nice if DirectAdmin adds this feature, although I can understand there are more important things to add/fix.
Not really, the customapache build script (the one we mainly still use) still uses the 1.3 tree of apache (also on CentOS 4, 5 and other recent distro's) there's a simple 2.0 upgrade procedure through it though.
I would also like to see IPv6 support in DirectAdmin since we are running out of time.

In the USA there might be enough IPv4 space, but in Europe and Asia we are really running out of space.

The latest calculations say that IPv4 space will run out in Juli 2009! Yes, thtat is just 6 months away!

Here in holland a lot of ISP's are working on implementing IPv6 in their networks, even access providers are starting to implement it.

So i think now is the time for DA to start working on the implementation.

Shall we start a new petition?
I agree, the waiting on eachother mentality is not making any sense. There should be at least some start on IPv6 in DA.
I agree, IPv6 should be implemented within a few months in DA. If not we need to create some scripts to let it work (but this is not always an option).

We will need to look for other controlpanels if DA refuses to start with IPv6 in the near future (just because it is required when we cannot get additional IPv4 addres space).

If DA needs an option for testing things on Debian: just ask and we will provide it (because we need IPv6).
Same here. Although it is running after custom scripting, there stil is no native support for the DA panel itself (The only fix is to use mod_proxy) and there is no private IP / SSL support. Configuring this by hand is a hell.

Therefor: A $500,- fee from me if IPv6 is supported before Juli 1st 2009.
It would be nice to see some IPV6 support in DA. Here in Belgium there is only one ISP who can deliver you an ipv6 ip, but they are also screaming for more informaiton. Because most of the users here use DA, no-one can switch to the new generation...
As I said before a couple of months ago, I would like to stress the urgence of the availability of ipv6 support in a mainstream configpanel as DirectAdmin.

IPv6 isn't that hard at all btw :D
I have currently ipv6 subnets, and I deliver vps with a ipv6 range. but da does not support it yet. I hope it will come soon. Or maybe I need to find something else because I want to be ipv6 ready :)
Remember that DA is just a control panel to help administrators. All you really need is Linux and the software you plan to use like apache, exim, proftpd, etc. to support ipv6. Nothing prevents from adding the ipv6 addresses manually. We do not have to deal with ip addresses that often. And the post custom scripts can add the ipv6 addresses to things like the DNS zones and httpd.conf when domains are added. Don't stop using DA just because it cannot write the config files yet within itself.
I want to give each (sub)domain an own ip, which can be done easily, given the amount of ipv6 addresses available. Of course I can hack it into/around DA, but a proper implementation is the way to go of course.
Of course most people cannot see the domains on those ipv6 addresses yet.
IPV4 is reaching it's limit, in 2010 or 2011, it is believed to be reached. So, since at that date we need to leave the IPV4 behind and use the IPV6 addresses, we need to integrate the IPV6 so we can easily switch to IPV6 when it's needed. ... btw: I believe IPV6 is supported on most desktop systems, in some you just have to activate it, and that is very easy:).
It was predicted that we would run out a long time ago. Advancements have forestalled it for years now. However sooner or later, we will need another plan, and nobody wants to build in the problem when setting something up today anymore than you would have wanted to build something new in 1998 with a Y2K problem.

What if you were to use a firewall like the free PFSense that handles IPV4 & 6 intelligently. It can take care of your SSL, including https, IPsec, OpenVPN, and PPTP VPN protocols with DHCP server and relay. It allows you to make up your own rules and has all of the standard router configurations available including routing by protocol, IP, and source port and destination routing, as well as NAT, 1:1 NAT, AND outbound NAT. It scrubs the packets before they get to your services which prevents them from tying up resources needlessly.

When IPV6 comes knocking, you don't need to change anything, and DA could add this to their product before IPV6 causes a scene. BTW, there is a TON of IPV6 out there, just not in the hosting area and not as a percentage.

Am I missing anything?
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Remember that DA is just a control panel to help administrators. All you really need is Linux and the software you plan to use like apache, exim, proftpd, etc. to support ipv6. Nothing prevents from adding the ipv6 addresses manually. We do not have to deal with ip addresses that often. And the post custom scripts can add the ipv6 addresses to things like the DNS zones and httpd.conf when domains are added. Don't stop using DA just because it cannot write the config files yet within itself.

True, but is DA not advertising with the following?
Succeeding in the web hosting business requires flexibility. It also means being competitive.

DirectAdmin is the easiest to use control panel, period.

As for IPv6, DA is not competitive. So yes, it is worth considering changing panels.

I know it can be build in manualy, but i think it is better when DA controles everything. Less errors.

We integrated IPv6 in our network, but DA does not support it.
The end of IPv4 is near! I think i speak for many others: DA please take a look at it!
run out of ipv4-addresses round 2010-2012

No henny, the sky is not falling. As was previously mentioned, we were supposed to run out by 2005, then 2007 - when they predicted refrigerators, toasters and even cars would all have their own IP's. Didn't happen, and won't - for a while, and certainely not by 2010.

Until EVERY major ISP/host supports ipv6, it's not going to happen. IF they made the switch, think of the hundreds of thousands of sites / customers that'd be offline because it wasn't able to be universally available, for whatever reason. It has to be supported 100% for it to go into effect - much like digital TV conversion in the USA. If it happened, and 50% of the stations weren't ready, there'd be a LOT of p/o'd customers.

Unless of course the newly anointed one in Washington DC decides that it needs to be done right now to create more jobs - but nah, that aint gonna happen either.

IPV6 - ya, someday - and probably soon, but it won't be something that'll happen in the next 4-5 years, I bet.
When IPV6 comes knocking, you don't need to change anything, and DA could add this to their product before IPV6 causes a scene. BTW, there is a TON of IPV6 out there, just not in the hosting area and not as a percentage.

Am I missing anything?

It doesn't come knocking, it's already here, content providers are the early adopters here, hosters, news servers, streaming, etc..

IPv4 IS running out, I'm not speculating on the exact timeframe, but I'd rather be ready quite in advance when the access providers need to implement it too, because access providers won't adopt until it's nearly too late if the content isn't available on IPv6

If the directadmin devs need IPv6 to play around, test and develop for, just send me an E-mail, I can provision (and reprovision within an hour if all goes bad) a CentOS4 64-bit server with Directadmin (or one without of course) and a /64 IPv6 range available on it next to IPv4 addresses..