Is Debian 12 or 13 (Trixie) supported?


New member
Jun 2, 2024
On the Beaches of Super Sunny Southern California
Most of my Debian machinery follows "Debian Testing", just as my Slackware boxes run Slackware -current. I prefer Rolling distros (Arch and Gentoo included, but more problematic wrt compatibility on production servers) - and rolling back aspects of the installation if some latest and greatest software version breaks something. Usually, that's only PHP, very rarely have I ever had issues, and as mentioned already, a quick rollback of the offending package, perhaps 'some' of it's deps too, always fixes things.

I had to get that out first and upfront. If I didn't then I would get all kinds of whacky responses.

So, is Debian 12, the current stable, supported yet? When looking in this forum I saw that Sarge and Woody are now supported - huh? That was eons ago, and should have, IMO, been deprecated and EOLed/upgraded a long, long time ago.

As far as Trixie goes, I wouldn't mind starting with the latest point release of Debian 12 and then rolling foward from there, but so little other than libraries and such that aren't critical to most components in things like Blesta and WHMCS occur, and even though the only problems I've ever experienced have been with PHP upgrades, that never broke a control panel or anything, only customer websites, and that can be easily rectified by forcing the PHP version for the people running software that doesn't yet support the latest version of PHP.

But that's a lot of info just to ask the question in the subject. By support, I mean has anyone run into problems? Not is that support official - at least when referring to Debian Testing (Trixie) at this time.

NOTE: I realize this is the Debian 11 topic, but there is no Debian 12 topic, and because I see so many people still running Debian 11 (Bullseye), I'm wondering whether there are standing issues for those people wishing to upgrade to Debian 12 (Bookworm) that is preventing them from doing so.

Thanks :)

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Thank you @gate2vn and @Richard G :)

I did see Debian 12 as acceptable in the prerequisites, yet there was no Forum Topic for it like with other versions, and a fair amount of folks using older versions.

I'm going to spin up a limited trial for myself because I much prefer the UX over that of cPanel, which I used to support (along w/Plesk) on a daily basis. One thing I can mention about cPanel is that it didn't turn out to be as intuitive for users as one might have expected, regardless of whether it was the first, fifth, or fifteenth time any particular user called in for assistance in performing a task...

Such is not the case for DirectAdmin, and having been on that end of things when using it find that exceedingly refreshing. A few years back, I was skeptical, looked hard at ISPConfig but it's not nearly as performant as DirectAdmin, which has a much better UI, and lacking many feature sets. It's good for selfhosters and they recommend Debian Testing but even then it really doesn't compare.

I'll start with a Debian 12 install and then upgrade through the current Trixe (Testing), I don't anticipate any problems but will report back here if I run into any. After that, I suppose a fresh install directly on Trixie will be next.

Thank you again for your input!

I have this message on Debian 12 when I start an update with apt :

/proc/self/fd/3: ligne 1124 : [:  : nombre entier attendu comme expression
Legacy DirectAdmin is not compatible with Debian 13 and Ubuntu 24. Continuing with distro upgrade will make DirectAdmin non-functional without an easy way to roll-back distro upgrade.

Aborting upgrade.

This check can be disabled by removing the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-directadmin-legacy-distro-upgrade-lock file.

This happens as well sometimes when using "da build update_versions"
I have this message on Debian 12 when I start an update with apt :

/proc/self/fd/3: ligne 1124 : [:  : nombre entier attendu comme expression
Legacy DirectAdmin is not compatible with Debian 13 and Ubuntu 24. Continuing with distro upgrade will make DirectAdmin non-functional without an easy way to roll-back distro upgrade.

Aborting upgrade.

This check can be disabled by removing the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-directadmin-legacy-distro-upgrade-lock file.

This happens as well sometimes when using "da build update_versions"
Debian 13 don't released yet
Debian 13 don't released yet
I'm running Debian 12, not 13 ! The message fron Directadmin is wrong and Directadmin is up to date !
I even have the same message on some servers still running Debian 11

Code: lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Release:        12
Codename:       bookworm da version
DirectAdmin v.1.665 e6e439b6109********************
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The contents of that file are da build legacy_distro_upgrade_check. Does that error out for you if you just run it as root on it's own?

I can't get it to error on any of my Debian 12 machines.
The contents of that file are da build legacy_distro_upgrade_check. Does that error out for you if you just run it as root on it's own?
Yes !
Code: da build legacy_distro_upgrade_check
/proc/self/fd/3: ligne 1124 : [:  : nombre entier attendu comme expression
Legacy DirectAdmin is not compatible with Debian 13 and Ubuntu 24. Continuing with distro upgrade will make DirectAdmin non-functional without an easy way to roll-back distro upgrade.

Aborting upgrade.

This check can be disabled by removing the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-directadmin-legacy-distro-upgrade-lock file.

If I launch that same "da build legacy_distro_upgrade_check" on a debian 11 server, it shows exactly the same error.
I have the same error on bullseye and bookworm when lauching "da build legacy_distro_upgrade_check"
Even on three old servers still running buster the same error appears :
ns.***.eu:root# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release:        10
Codename:       buster
ns.***.eu:root# da build legacy_distro_upgrade_check
/proc/self/fd/3: ligne 1124 : [:  : nombre entier attendu comme expression
Legacy DirectAdmin is not compatible with Debian 13 and Ubuntu 24. Continuing with distro upgrade will make DirectAdmin non-functional without an easy way to roll-back distro upgrade.

Aborting upgrade.

This check can be disabled by removing the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-directadmin-legacy-distro-upgrade-lock file.
ns.***.eu:root# da version
DirectAdmin v.1.665 e6e4****97a4e5c
It might be worth opening a ticket, but I don't even know if you can open a ticket with Legacy licenses? The whole system is very confusing now.

I noticed that you have a French error message related to a Number, so perhaps it's a locale bug.
I noticed that you have a French error message related to a Number, so perhaps it's a locale bug.
Well, you've got it ! Kudos for your good guess !

After having set LC_ALL to en_US.UTF-8, this error doesn't show anymore !

It is definitely a Directadmin locale bug as it shows on Debian versions from buster to bookworm, and it is only showing with the latest versions of Directadmin.

Could one of you running Debian set "export LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8", launch "da build legacy_distro_upgrade_check" and confirm the bug appears ?
Support ticket #58446 opened !

<edit> Issue confirmed by Directadmin, and transmitted to developpers.
They'll get it fixed soon !
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