[sarcasm]Nice flame, keep it going

You are both convinced of what you are saying, and you probably are both right, just have a different, correct opinion of what security is. It's not an exact science you know. Just shake your hands
I'll reply to randomuser's considerations about my previous post.
Vulnerabilities are difficult to find in it? Compared to what? It's been rooted before, a few times at least. Only took me about 30 minutes of poking around when I rooted it.
I'm not surprised, as any skilled auditor is able to compromise the security (isn't this better than "rooting"? If you want to be a professional, use the right terms) of any software given enough time.
What's important is the combination of how difficult it is to find and to be exploitable and how risky the data compromise is in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability. This is the criticality, combined with how often a vulnerability is found or is exploitable defines the criticality over time of a software, and DirectAdmin has a medium to high one in my professional opinion.
Of course DA has been compromised before. I'd be even ashamed about some of the vulnerabilities found. But I had the pleasure of actually getting replies from a developer (I didn't ask for money without warranty of results, just gave the results, maybe that's the reason) and he was well aware of the circumstances that created the vulnerability, and he corrected himself right away. I'm sure it won't happen again, not in the same context.
Last, I would like to give you a professional advice. If you are looking for customers, do not denigrate them publicly... IMHO it's not helping.