Is squirrelmail still being actively developed?


Verified User
Jan 8, 2011
New York
Is squirrelmail still being actively developed?

It's been a good while since an official build has dropped.
I wouldnt use it. Last stable release was 2011.
if it's outdated it is probably not secure anymore.

Is there a way to uninstall/remove squirrelmail?
Just delete the folder from /var/www/html

You can change the alias in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-alias.conf too
You can, but you should likely notify your clients; if they're using it and suddenly find themselves not able to see it anymore, they're likely to not realize their settings (including identities) are now completely gone when they switch to another email client.

Their email should be intact because both are IMAP clients, but the settings are specific to Squirrelmail.

Hrm... We've been using SVN to get PHP 5.4 support...

I know cPanel's latest push for it was "SVN r14346" last month...

It's one of those things, damned if you do, damned it you don't but my users are too entrenched in SQmail to really pull it...

I guess my initial post was more so hoping someone here knew the developer(s) on some level and could provide any insight into the development cycle's life

Then again, SuHosin was dead for a while and finally came back to life so who knows?
I would notify the users/clients that Squirrelmail will be considered a vulnerability for the server and it will be shut off the coming month(s) and replaced with Roundcube for instance.
Most people will generally move away from software that's considered 'dangerous' by them selves.