Just run yum update & got named problem


Verified User
Mar 31, 2008
I yum update the server last night and named start having problem

[root@server ~]# tail /var/log/messages
Feb 26 10:33:21 server named[5310]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Feb 26 10:33:21 server named[5310]: zone localhost/IN: loading master file localhost.zone: file not found
Feb 26 10:33:26 server named[5310]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Feb 26 10:33:26 server named[5310]: zone localhost/IN: loading master file localhost.zone: file not found

[root@server ~]# service named restart
Stopping named: [ OK ]
Starting named: [ OK ]
[root@server ~]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]

I found article here: http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=128

But the instruction doesn't match my server directory..

[root@server log]# cd /var/named/chroot/var/named
-bash: cd: /var/named/chroot/var/named: No such file or directory

Need help on the latest fixes solutions..
I learn that it's not the chroot issue, so i don't know what issue am I facing.

I can't ping my domain nor able to access http://xxxx.com:2222 (Directadmin)

C:\>ping xxxx.com
Ping request could not find host xxxx.com. Please check the name and try again.

Anyone experiencing this issue before? pls advise..

[root@server named]# ps aux | grep named
named 5970 0.0 0.3 48304 3452 ? Ssl 13:25 0:00 named -u named
root 6110 0.0 0.0 3912 680 pts/1 S+ 13:30 0:00 grep named

i downloaded a new named.conf and rebuild the zones.. there's no error now. i still can restart named successfully as before

website is still not loading.

the error log is now different. it's telling me:

Feb 26 13:01:39 server named[5321]: client XX.XX.XX.XX#59170: received notify for zone 'xxx.com'
Feb 26 13:01:39 server named[5321]: client XX.XX.XX.XX#59170: received notify for zone 'xxxx.com'
Feb 26 13:01:39 server named[5321]: client XX.XX.XX.XX#59170: received notify for zone 'xxxxx.com'
Your named.conf contains references to all your zone files?

Can't really troubleshoot much with those x'd out domains...
yes my named.conf is fine.

i have even downloaded a new one and rebuild the zones.

and i compared it with my another second directadmin server too.. so it's not a problem. i checked some random samples of /var/named/domainname.com.db as well, everything seems fine.

i don't know what's really wrong..

i still suspect it has something to do with my yum update
Got your PM, but it still doesn't provide any more info than what you gave here. It sounds like your named is running and you've gone over your conf and zone files. However, without providing more specific details no one can really help you.
mm ok, i'm not being sensitive, but what kind of details do you require?
[root@server named]# named -g
26-Feb-2009 14:22:17.509 starting BIND 9.3.3rc2 -g
26-Feb-2009 14:22:17.510 found 2 CPUs, using 2 worker threads
26-Feb-2009 14:22:17.513 loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
26-Feb-2009 14:22:17.514 /etc/named.conf:8: change directory to '/var/named' failed: permission denied
26-Feb-2009 14:22:17.514 /etc/named.conf:8: parsing failed
26-Feb-2009 14:22:17.514 loading configuration: permission denied
26-Feb-2009 14:22:17.514 exiting (due to fatal error)

mm. does that mean something on line 8?

the permission & ownership looks ok to me..
drwxr-x--- 5 named named 12288 Feb 26 12:41 named
You'll get that error when you run named with -g.

Do you have a sample domain ppl can troubleshoot with? (thats what I was referring to earlier).
Look at the first error:
26-Feb-2009 14:22:17.514 /etc/named.conf:8: change directory to '/var/named' failed: permission denied
Is there some part of that you don't understand. Fix your permissions for /var/named, and everything else may start working.

However, as I posted earlier today, DirectAdmin has known problems with bind-chroot; you may want to search these forums.

Look at the first error:
Is there some part of that you don't understand. Fix your permissions for /var/named, and everything else may start working.

However, as I posted earlier today, DirectAdmin has known problems with bind-chroot; you may want to search these forums.



Running named -g seems to produce those errors even though that dir is owned by named.

He's already checked for the chroot, which he doesn't appear to have. So my guess is named is running correctly, but not having a domain to check against makes troubleshooting difficult since the OP doesn't appear to want to share that info.
Certainly knowing what to check would be helpful, and you know I'm the first to say that, sometimes LOUDLY, when people don't tell us.

However the error still stands clearly on its own. It's obvious that there's a permissions error; the server is actually telling us that.
