Laravel and page speed issue


Verified User
Dec 7, 2005
I have a user who has installed some laravel app on his account, the problem is that his page is very slow. Whenever we open anything there, it takes good 1.3 minute to start receiving data from the page.
There is no server load,
No resources are busy
No mysql load

And not even any errors in logs.
I am not sure what is causing it. For now I have asked him to optimize his laravel but I know in the end of the day I have to find actual cause.

Once page starts loading, it loads fine. Other users are fine, a codeignitor , an opencart etc.. they are all fine and quick on same server. Only issue with this Laravel one.

Any clue where I can start looking at my level to make sure its nothing from server side or it is..
I'm sorry, but it's not directadmin panel question, you must ask it at Laravel forum - they work with laravel every day, while here most of system admins, not web-developers.
Lets see it this way, I have php website, its very slow, I need to know if its PHP issue or its server level issue.
If you look closely, I have already said that in my post. I need to rule out first that its not server config issue .
Other users are fine, a codeignitor , an opencart etc.. they are all fine and quick on same server.
Are all the “php” websites slow or just one? If multiple sites are slow then might be config. If it’s just one it could be related to missing requirements or the code if it’s a “Custom” application.
Thanks Brent, but I have been to that discussion already as well as many similar threads. The solution selected there was more about person using it in dev environment where he was fetching laravel files from host.

I know Laravel is slow, but in my case its giving around 1300-1500 ms for serving first byte, that's insane, and the machine I am using is NVMe based and is quite responsive otherwise. And if its disk i/o then I should see disk activity when request is made, its completely silent, no spikes anywhere, that's what troubling me.

Eg. If a query is not optimized or slow, you can see it taking resources, but here I just can't see it, it just slow.
I assume you have all of this installed but wanted to be sure

  • PHP >= 7.2.5
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
their site speaks of Memcache or redis too
Its PHP 7.3 with all mentioned extensions compiled with it.
Memcahed and Redis are optional for caching. I have seen its config, it using file based caching.