License problem.. Can anybody explain me the explanation..


Verified User
Jun 19, 2007
So my DA is not working since.... I don't know when.. I barely use it.. is a VPS with some old client....
one of them try access the other day and this is on the screen...

License check failure See the Debug Guide

Reason: transient license check failure: license is IP restricted and is not allowed
Current Server Time: Sat, 18 May 2024 15:34:44 EDT


This is the chat with support.... I don't know what he wants... or what should i do.. ... can someone explain me what I should do .. or what is the problem??

can someone explain me what I should do .. or what is the problem??
It seems clear to me but I can have a try explaining it to you.

First this is the upmost important thing:
You state "I buy this two licenses years ago".

From who did you buy it? Do you have access to the client account of the license id's and what does it say there?

Because it seems you were sold a limited license. Either a limited VPS license which is bound to 1 ip. Or you are sold an internal lifetime license.
Internal lifetime licenses are only to be sold (or rather rented out or rented out for life, because reselling is in fact prohibited) by hosters/datacenters together with a server/vps and is to be used only in that datacenter from the original owner of the internal license.

So because of high abuse of these licenses and other licenses, DA decided to more forcely/strictly keep these licenses where they should be used.

What you are showing in the screenshot of the ticket, is that you used that license all over, you just paid for servers or VPS systems on at least 3 different providers/hosters which you mention (Host1Plus, Sawis, The Planet) which in fact already prooves you're abusing the license.
Because the kind of license you should be using is an external lifetime license which were a whole lot more expensive.

Now maybe you were abusing the license unknowingly, but if you indeed bought that license, you should have been made aware by the company selling the license, that you were only to use that license on his ip space. Or made yourself aware of rules and agreements.
If you bought the other license from the same company too, then most likely this goes for that second license too.

Problem is you are using the license now outside of the original ip space of the datacenter/host which sold you the license.

Since you are not a datacenter or not selling servers, you don't have the ASN belonging to those licenses. You are in fact not a real owner of these licenses, in the way you can do with them what you want.

So how to solve this:
1.) Contact the company who sold you the license and get a vps/server with them and move the customers, or have them contact DA and fix the issue.
2.) To keep using your current VPS the only way to fix this is to get on of the current monthly licenses, depending on your need.
3.) Move to a datacenter which provides VPS combined with free or cheap DA licenses and move to there.
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The license can only be used within the data center that leased it to you. If you want to be able to use it in any data center then you need to buy a license directly from DirectAdmin.
Are you really Owner of license ? and have access credential to "" control panel.

Please becarefully, directadmin have logs when you changing your email in "" control panel of your account. So bought from 3rd party will against the License Agreement.
The account in question holds products ("internal") that are required to be bundled with a server rental to your customer.

To help combat misuse or unauthorized resale of these internal products, we are following the industry-standard practice of asking accounts to provide us the IP address range(s) that they have formal ownership/leasing of. Once we register the IP range(s) to your account, you are free to modify or remove your IP restrictions, and license keys will work anywhere within your IP range(s).

If you desire licenses that can be used anywhere, without any restrictions, the solution is to deploy a retail license.
I think he knows he has been caught because he has not replied even once.
Is that Windows XP I see in that screenshot?:eek::p
I dont think so, because I dont know any webbrowser for XP witch can still show DA panel. They all give white page. Even not Basilisk or Mypal work anymore.
Edit: his screenshot shows Mypal. My Mypal is versio 29.3.0 and dont work. I would be interested too, if its XP and what Mypal version he uses.
Hello Richard G.... let's see if i have better luck here..
Because Mark keeps asking me about some AS number... and IP Range...
And I am not a Datacenter .. I sale Hosting.. reseller .. VPS's.. and servers from datacenters... or actually use to do that...
Currently I only have one remaining in

From who did you buy it? Do you have access to the client account of the license id's and what does it say there?... Do you have access to the client account of the license id's....
I buy them in the directadmin website..
the two lisences are in my client account ID 17006.....
live time licenses... supposedly valid until 2038... I buy them in 2008 or 2009 ...

I use to have this VPS in my other licenses still have that data.... maybe that is part of the problem??

3 Move to a datacenter which provides VPS combined with free or cheap DA licenses and move to there.
Richard ... I used servers on Savvis... in The Planet... in Softlayer.. in HostOnePlus.. etc etc.. through the years...
Since i have this license... I buy/pay a license "we install" in Directadmin... to get a proper installation from the guys or DirectAdmin..
Mark install it many times.... if it is the same Mark i don't know... then i change it to my Live time license.. because that's why I have them...

I guess those license don't work anymore...
I think he knows he has been caught because he has not replied even once.
sorry floyd... i don't have much time to dedicate to this anymore..
And I didn't know that I was a fugitive from anyone...

¿What was my crime?... buy /pay for "LIVE TIME" licenses... that now don't work anymore... i guess..
or maybe.. that the dataceter do the installation with one or their licenses... and then i change it for the license I thought I OWN..
yes Erulezz and johannes... is Windows XP and MyPal 68.12.03b.....
is a new one... but i still don't have time to tray it..

WinXP the last Windows i paid for and that i can still use without the authorization of anybody.....
and without being forced to beta-test MS new crap every time they want...
it works fine..
is some websites that are not compatible.. especially stuff hosted by Cloudflare network... but most of internet still work okay..
Considering that there has been no more answer ... :( ... I guess is because I answered myself there ..:mad:

It appears you were never entitled to the discounted internal lifetime licenses. You got away with it for several years before it was finally caught.
live time licenses... supposedly valid until 2038... I buy them in 2008 or 2009 ...
Oke the 2038 date is just a date in the future of linux, kind of a year 2000 date but then for Linux.

Your account says they are internal licenses as you can see. Which I already suspected that it would be.

Internal licenses are only to be bought when you have a company that sells servers/vps with the licenses. You don't need to be a very big datacenter, but you do need to sell a certain amount of servers or vps systems with DA licenses, to be able to buy them normally in the past.

So if you never did this (and so are no datacenter en have no ASN or host certain ip range) then most likely in 2008 or 2009 you have bought the wrong licenses. In that day you should have bought the 299 external lifetime licences, not the internal ones.

It looks like you have been lucky you could have bought them back in the day and using them until now.
Unless you were selling VPS and servers at that the time you bought them.

But since you're not selling servers or VPS systems together with DA licenses, you are not entitled to internal license.

They are very busy in ticket support and lifetime tickets have no priority as they are not entitled to ticket support anyway.
And you got your answer from Directadmin Sales here also in the thread. You can't use that license anymore.

As for the other license, you are lucky you can still use it, but be aware this might also stop if you ever change ip again, or maybe sooner.
sadly, you purchased a license only inteded for datacenters, you being not a datacenter, and now that DA does more strict checks, you indeed were caught.

that's all.
It appears you were never entitled to the discounted internal lifetime licenses. You got away with it for several years before it was finally caught.

Being a startup and another hosting company in the early 200x we had an ASN with /23 subnet and rented a 42U Server Rack Cabinet. I'm not sure you could had call us a DC though))) We offered virtual servers with DirectAdmin, and I believe it was fully legal. The company closed some years ago, but I believe I could probably find logins in the dust to access DirectAdmin account with those licenses. Can not say for sure how much legit would it be now to use those licenses, would it be possible to change an IP in them. Can you?
Richard, I don't recall the previous terms. So I'd rather not judge anything. I wouldnt provide ASN and the subnet now to recover those licenses too. But would it be legit to use those old life-time licenses now?
@zEitEr You are correct that the terms for internal licenses do not mention IP address registration. Those terms only specify permitted use (bundling internal products with server rentals).

Matters of licensing (which include IP changing & approval) have always been at our discretion (regardless of license type), so we are using this discretion as a tool to fight abuse and/or unauthorized resale of these licenses. Instead of some unfair or arbitrary method, we simply copy the industry-standard practice of asking some of these accounts to register their netblocks.

While this may not fit every case, it should be noted that the much more expensive cPanel product does not extend verification past registering IP blocks that WHOIS back to the account holder. If that is the most effort they will make, it seems unfeasible and unrealistic to expect DirectAdmin to offer many different verification methods.

We appreciate the forum community for being supportive of this and getting involved in these complaint threads, because it usually brings the truth to light and illustrates the need for more strict checks, as @Zhenmue put it.