MariaDB Latest version 10.3.31/10.4.21 InnoDB Corruption Bug in FreeBSD

i cant help but saw in files this script via this link

so there is does do something with version if you change it or versions in da custombuild maybe don't know!!!

Maybe check if youre stuck

Thanks, I successfully restored using the "New Method" as described in that link. I am still unsure why it didn't compile, however I was able to use the previous build package which I had saved luckily (mariadb-10.3.28-freebsd12.2-x86_64.tar.gz). Its a shame there is no 10.3.30 version available anywhere for download DA should keep those files incase this type of thing happens.
Its a shame there is no 10.3.30 version available anywhere for download DA should keep those files incase this type of thing happens.
I think while "new method" and their are realy problems with some old versions being insecure. (also maybe some other DA settings or prog / scripts sometimes not supporting backwards .. )

But yup if you are in need then where..?

IN that .sh script however there are some variables for versions and OS
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I think while "new method" and their are realy problems with some old versions being insecure. (also maybe some other DA settings or prog / scripts sometimes not supporting backwards .. )

But yup if you are in need then where..?
And also disable custombuilds ability the update on FreeBSD systems for mariadb-10.3.21 and 10.4.21!! This bug killed my weekend :(
Thanks, I successfully restored using the "New Method" as described in that link. I am still unsure why it didn't compile, however I was able to use the previous build package which I had saved luckily (mariadb-10.3.28-freebsd12.2-x86_64.tar.gz). Its a shame there is no 10.3.30 version available anywhere for download DA should keep those files incase this type of thing happens.

Maybe you could still downgrade using this guide:

and when you are sure that the newest version is fixed, you can delete the mariadb entry file from version.txt