MariaDB May 2023 Updates


Verified User
Jul 17, 2021
MariaDB has released their May 2023 updates.

One thing to note is MariaDB 10.11 replaced 10.6 as the long-term stable series as of February 2023.
Yeah, they dedicated it to Debian 12 release, as default SQL-server, so each new OS release will have own LTS Mariadb.
Not understand well...

MariaDB 10.6 seems supported till Jul 2026

MariaDB 10.6 (July 2026) and 10.11 (February 2028) are both long term supported releases, there can be more than one LTS, there is often overlap between LTS releases.
Also 10.11 will have all features what was released in 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10 - so it your choice for latest functionality.
But I prefer stability - so will last on 10.6 at least this year, till 10.11 become more popular/tested/fixed.
Same, and also sometimes software needs to catch up, there can be minor incompatibilities between versions that may cause issues with applications. I was stuck on 10.4 on one server for a while because of an application issue till the vendor fixed it.
I try to never take the risk of jumping over multiple versions when doing an upgrade, I have been bitten by it a couple times in the past with MySQL, and it's not worth the headache of repairing/restoring all the databases so I have just been continuing the practice. This may be an old leftover from the past process of mysql, and somewhat out of date, as the MariaDB documentation does say that it can be done.

We're at version 10.1 with some VPS-es. However, we get the following notification :

Incorrect 'mariadb' value (used to specify MariaDB release) set in the options.conf file. Set: 10.1. Available values: 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6.

Does this mean we're going to have to skip 10.2? And if so, what to do if we run into problems?
you can download own tarball and try to install 10.2. in any case - make backups first
On my own servers I don't keep outdated versions, on client servers I prefer total reinstall, but for more consistent data - better to upgrade step-by-step. If there is no way to use 10.2 in middle - just make backups and try jump directly to 10.3. If all pass OK - then 10.4.... 10.6
Is it possible to do 10.6 -> 10.11 ? Or update to 10.7- 10.8 etc?
I believe all versions of MariaDB up to 10.6 went EOL after five years. Versions 10.7 through 10.10 went EOL after 12 months. If you wait until 2024 to upgrade to 10.11 (LTS), and you follow the 10.7 to 10.8... path, you will be upgrading through four versions that will already be EOL before you get to 10.11. It will be interesting to see if this is still the recommended upgrade path.
Read the MariaDB documentation, at the beginning it says it's possible to skip versions. I haven't tested it yet myself, but I plan to on the next server upgrade. I would still make sure you have complete backups before doing any upgrade. (I have been still stuck in the old thinking of MySQL where it was recommended to go though each version. If this works fin it will save a lot of time.)

Yes that statement about me not jumping versions was ingrained in me from MySQL upgrades, which has just become a habit. Which if the MariaDB documentation is true I no longer need to follow.