Maximum amount of emails per user and server per hour

I tried that. It still didn't work. I have two other servers with DA. I'll try it one of those.
I updated a different server just now. This is what I've learned:
1. It works.
2. It doesn't count E-Mails sent to another user in the same domain, and probably not the same server.
3. The count is off by 1. I set the limit at 2. I sent 3 messages. In the third message I received a message that the user had sent 2 messages. On the 4th message, it would not accept the login as though the user name or password were incorrect.
4. After you are locked out, you cannot even send messages to someone on the same domain.

It's perfect enough for me. It stops the problem before the server gets blacklisted, and that's all that matters.

Thanks TONS!
I have it set at 200 and often I get 401 sent, and sometimes much higher. If they have multiple addresses per E-Mail, I'm guessing that it only counts as 1? So therefore with a limit of 200, a spammer could send 20,000 before he hit any kind of limit.