Mime types and apache handler


Verified User
Oct 1, 2003
what exactly is the difference between these two?

i'll need to deal with some .rar and .tiff file, how do i actually make changes?

if i need to allow my user download .rar files, shall i add apache handler or mime type?

if i also want to my user download .tiff file, shall i add apache handler or mime type?

It's a great question, neorder.

I don't have time to look up and respond to general Apache questions right now; perhaps someone else does.

You should probably be asking this on an Apache forum or list, or consult Apache documentation.

i've not tried apache forum but i've asked simliar question at many forums, i've yet to get a definite answer.

i know mime is deal with browser site, apache handler is deal with server side.

but i want my user to download .zip, and .tiff file, this is on browser side or on server side?

and the way to add mime or apache handler are set by apache i persume, we can't anyhow add them or it won't work. site-helper.com's instuction is surely not enough.

The best book I've found on apache is "Apache for Dummies". Unfortunately I loaned mine out over a year ago and never got it back :( .

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I'm no expert here but...

From what I know, mime types are used to tell the browser how to handle certain types of files and apache handlers tell the server how to handle certain types of files...

In RH 9 you can find the mime types in the mime.types file.
