mod_php + mod_ruid2


Verified User
Apr 15, 2014
I have installed the CustomBuild 2.0 , now I want to enable mod_php + mod_ruid2
isin't supposed to be an option in the options file to activate it? what needs to be done to activate mod_php + mod_ruid2 ?
Thank you

I am able to understand that I can switch from cli to cgi, and after if I rebuild it, it will work fine


there is a part "#Cloudlinux settings" that I think it is turn off because cloudlinux=no and since I am not running cloudlinux it will probably not make sense to activate it, but there is a setting:

is that option active even if it is inside the cloudlinux settings? or maybe I need to move this option to another part of the file?

or to install mod_ruid2 I need to do anything else? what I understand is that the custombuild is specially used to facilitate the activation of several features including mod_ruid2 in a easy way, am I wrong?

thank you
mod_ruid2 support is only available in CustomBuild 2.0, so you should update it from 1.1 or 1.2 for needed functionality.
sorry, it seems I did something wrong, I am currently checking
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I have a old script that needs "short_open_tag = on" , after I have install the CustomBuild 2.0 with mod_ruid2 it stopped worked, is there anything I can do?
You can change the setting in /usr/local/lib/php.ini and restart apache then.
in /usr/local/lib/php.ini I have set it, since it did solved the initial problem, and it seems it was not removed, but with the CustomBuild 2.0 is not working, do you think there is any other issue causing this problem?

; short_open_tag
; Default Value: On
; Development Value: Off
; Production Value: Off
short_open_tag = On

thank you
Is php1_mode set to mod_php in the options.conf file of CustomBuild 2.0? Were Apache and PHP reinstalled after upgrade to CB 2.0?
yes php1_mode=mod_php and the Apache and PHP was not reinstalled

#PHP Settings
this is an old script that needs 777 on the main folder, do you think this can be the issue?
You must reinstall Apache and PHP, according to CustomBuild 2.0 documentation about the upgrade from CB 1.1/1.2.
this is an old script that needs 777 on the main folder, do you think this can be the issue?

Thought the script should indeed not check for this (it should either just check if it can write, or it should check way more advanced on ownership), it doesn't matter. With mod_ruid2, each script is being executed as the right user, so it can access any files freely without the need of a high chmod value. As long as it's a subdirectory having the chmod 777, other users cannot access it because you can only access a directory if you can access each directory in the full path.

You can't run mod_php with mod_ruid2, correct me if I am wrong.

mod_ruid2 only works with mod_php. Trying to run it with cgi doesn't make much sense.
so what can explain the script to work fine with the default installation with cgi and it does not run with mod_ruid2 with mod_php?
the only change I had to made to work wit cgi, was to enable short_open_tag = On
thank you
I have realized that with mod_ruid2 my server is using more 463mb of memory, is this normal?
thank you
Now I found that my whmcs is not working, I also get a blank page on the domain hosting whmcs

I was checking my build options and found this:

SquirrelMail: 1.4.22-20140402_0200
Zend Guard Loader:
ionCube loader: 4.6.1

in front of Zend Guard Loader there is no version, is it normal? does it mean its not installed? what could cause the blank field?

thank you
It should work with mod_ruid2.

A white page usually is the result of an php error, but the error display has been hidden.

Look inside /var/log/httpd/domains/your-domain-here.error.log - where your-domain-here is the domain you have whmcs running under.
It should work with mod_ruid2.

A white page usually is the result of an php error, but the error display has been hidden.

Look inside /var/log/httpd/domains/your-domain-here.error.log - where your-domain-here is the domain you have whmcs running under.

I found that it was a problem with ioncube and php5.5 I have downgraded to 5.4 and now it works fine, it was the fix for both scripts
thank you!!