mod_php + mod_ruid2

after changing to php 5.4 now I am having a problem with zend, the error is:

Failed loading /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

anyone know how to fix this?

thank you
./build zend

Thanks Martynas
do you know if it is normal the server to be using more 463mb since I have installed mod_php + mod_ruid2, is it real? I have read in a post that it could be not real information but I was not able to understand why.
Where do you see that? If in DA admin zone, then yes, that is an amount of memory used, including the shared memory, so in mod_ruid2 case it wouldn't be a real amount of physical memory used.
I have been monitoring my server memory using ssh and with the command free -m , since I moved to the custom build I see a consume of more 400 mob more or less so this in fact is really using more memory right ? Or it can be that the custom build as so much more features that need more ram?
Thank you
well after a reboot it goes back to normal, but some hours later it starts to consume much more memory, but ok, I will ignore this
thank you for your help!
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on the custombuild options I have:

#MySQL Settings

but if I check the mysql version on the server is 5.5

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
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Server version 5.5.31-log

dosen't the customer build updates the mysql version for the one that is on the option file?

Thank you