More efficient way to transfer accounts between servers (Admin Backup/Transfer or Jetbackup clone jobs)


New member
Sep 10, 2024
Hello, I am planning to transfer lots of user and reseller accounts from my directadmin servers to other directadmin servers. If you are experienced with Jetbackup, I would like to know which way in your opinion is more efficient to do this. From directadmin Admin Tools->Admin Backup/Transfer or from jetbackup clone jobs?
Hello Niroth,

Thank you for using JetBackup! JetBackup offers the option to migrate from one server to another using the Disaster Recovery tool. Performing the Disaster Recovery will restore the JetBackup configuration that was backed up as well as give the option to restore all the accounts that have backups located on the configured destination.

Please note that you will need to have the below details when performing a Disaster Recovery

Master encryption key from the old server.
Destination details including backup directory
Enable Jb config on your destination

Our documentation provides a detailed guide on performing this procedure.

Additionally, if you would like to only migrate the accounts without the JB Configurations transferred, you may do so by adding the backup destination used in one server to the other server (add the destination as read-only destination in the new server) then you will be able to restore the whole account/files in the new server.

Please note that you can only restore and download existing backups from a read-only destination. Read Only is required if the Backup Directory is already owned by another destination/server.

If you would like assistance with this procedure, feel free to reach out to our technical support team [email protected]! We offer 24/7/365 support regarding any JetBackup-related issues.

Best Regards,
Trenton V.
JetApps, LLC
trough admin, create a backup of all accounts.
transfer all backups,
on new server, restore all backups
I second that last option, it much faster and can accomodate eventual changes on the origin server during the data transfer, you juste have to run a second rsync that will only take a few seconds.