My server is down


Verified User
Mar 9, 2022
Pls help me . I have 20 websites on the server and no one works .
I will wait for answers
please give more info , what happend ?
did you made an update? did it even work before?
I install exim en dkim and then i was not enable to send emails of emails takes hours tell are gone (no error ) .i was afraid i did somthing wrong and i did yestrday a restore backup and today nothing works
I get this


  • Naamloos.png
    21.2 KB · Views: 81
The server / is full. /dev/sda1 used 100%

You need to delete some old backups most likely. They dont delete automatically
How can be i have a new vps. to many backup of? and that way i can not open the server direct admin? I ge This site is not reachable
df -h doesnt lie...

Not sure it could be other things. The file system is full.

You will need to cleanup items on the ssh side.
Try running this to see what is taking up space

du -ahx / | sort -rh | head -5
based on your screen shot..
Also do you have a copy of the backup saved offsite? like ftped to your pc.

I assume you dont have a user named "backup"

rm -Rf /home/backup/*

Will delete everything in the /home/backup directory

I would not store you backups there for future reference.