mysql problem.


Verified User
Oct 1, 2003
i think i got some problem with the mysql, when i try to restart mysql, i always recieve this.

No mysqld pid file found. Looked for /var/lib/mysql/

what's the problem?

somemore when i run top command, i always see mysql is using more than 100M of RAM, and there are normally quite a few of such mysql processes.

:confused: any problem with that?
Try "killall -9 mysqld" than starting up mysql by "service mysqld start"

If it still doesn't start because of the pid. You can touch it "touch" or if it already exists delete it :)

Good luck ;)
Another thing maybe your /var partition? Is it filled up? This might be causing the problem.
thanks for your reply.

my /var partition used to be filled once, but i've cleared it.

i restarted the server, anyway, it's working now.

i just want to know why my mysql process used that much of memory :confused:
It probably wasn't mysql. All logs and email are stored on the /var partition which is what probably is taking up all the space.

My recommendations, increase the /var partition size or set up a symlink that makes /var point to another location on your hard drive.
Search the forums as there is a lot of discussion about this and solutions.