Verified User
I'm a bit of a novice, but I've already deployed 5 servers, and sometimes I get caught like this.
I've noticed that Directadmin creates a temporary user for the user to access phpMyadmin with the format user_randomLongString
But I can't find when the cleanup of these users is done.
Any ideas about this?
I'm a bit of a novice, but I've already deployed 5 servers, and sometimes I get caught like this.
I've noticed that Directadmin creates a temporary user for the user to access phpMyadmin with the format user_randomLongString
But I can't find when the cleanup of these users is done.
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user WHERE User LIKE 'user__%';
| User | Host |
| user__wOPylMCApMTabPBzzxoNiQY457QOac5F | % |
| user__ypUAAK4-DCM4n5q507Q2RQB5E0a9iLbq | % |
| user__u3pTm-cR5EcjP27S47nRL6tpytwB2TuL | % |
| user_240106_df_avhh | localhost |
| user__u3pTm-cR5EcjP27S47nRL6tpytwB2TuL | localhost |
| user__wOPylMCApMTabPBzzxoNiQY457QOac5F | localhost |
| user__ypUAAK4-DCM4n5q507Q2RQB5E0a9iLbq | localhost |
| user_general | localhost |
8 rows in set (0.001 sec)
Any ideas about this?