Named "record does not start with a double-quote" errors after migrating from CL 6


Verified User
Jan 18, 2022
We've migrated our old DirectAdmin box running CloudLinux 6 to a new box running CL 8. After restoring all users and updating DNS records, we get this error when updating the serials:
Named::get_wrapped_long_line: record does not start with a double-quote.

I won't post the full log here, but here is an excerpt:

Named::get_wrapped_long_line: record does not start with a double-quote: ( "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFFSOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxn6bVj7f1N6n7WtrgKgiIgYLq45d6wNz4INT80dfCtLQPKt5Pjparzh1h+7otP40ai/oa4wtMpaPHZDBxXeOQci"
"eOjd2O9VV612TV0gUtNMNCFa7Y7Y/aM8wnECCDukoBC7jKNlgixl9qQa9Auo6L5Dcv1D4WcohWhoYmCFYjrl4rHb6Fpqo6w24eEPuGGCwIDAQAB" )
File /var/named/ appears ok to named-checkzone
Named::get_wrapped_long_line: record does not start with a double-quote: ( "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8PmIIBCgKCAQEAxJY9j1vy73FIoXa1Lja/21yjk7+r7WTmltVzY7pDci4meS63D4wJOi9NunSQowsQq98EhSovFuBX77LObEIXByJ"
"OhbLDHPTo8Y9v2YhsBZThE7nLz3g7oyaXb7SWiY2gzQyRzRQNlwBJq6340olhpB19+oPAEcoAImBck2LgFeFo+VylQkk3epVJFlOhchiwIDAQAB" )
File /var/named/ appears ok to named-checkzone

We're not sure how to fix this. I've tried running the script to create a new DKIM record for some of the domains, but this does not seem to resolve the issue as the error message persists with those domains.
same issue here not sure how to fix

testing it with mail-tester etc seems all good. Weird the script is giving the issue
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Sorry to bump this old tread but I am running into this same error
After making an custom dns_txt.conf , tried to rewrite the DNS records for all the domains but got this error:

Named::get_wrapped_long_line: record does not start with a double-quote: ( "v=DKIM1; k=rsa;
used command:
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin taskq --run "action=rewrite&value=named" --debug 400

Adding @fln @DirectAdmin Support to assist.
it looks like its an bug in DA, have it now on an different server too
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