New DirectAdmin website!!

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I like the site, but the license overview became a little unclear if you have more than a handful of licenses. There's too much going on.

It'd be nice to know the main issue you see there :) What would you like to change?
Also, don't forget about the license "Search" tool! It's quite powerful and can help you find what you're looking for.
However your mouse over it for more info, but you can search for OS's, IPs, tags, license names, etc.. plus subsets of those word searches, like 1.2.3. for IP ranges.
But you can also use the word "AND" to combine multiple search queries.
Also, clicking a "tag" will show you all licenses with that tag (eg: exact tag match, more specific than a word search).

The "Sort" option can also help you group/sort to help organize as desired.

There is and has already been a tool for that, but you have to qualify for it before we turn it on.
We typically only allow it for larger accounts with hundreds of licenses, that have a positive balance and are trusted.

I understand. But there are also thrustworthy people who have for example several lifetime licenses. Lifetime licenses are payed for already and don't need to be payed for again. So I thought there might be made a switch for lifetime licenses.

However I don't know how easy or difficult it is to determine if a license is leased or lifetime. And if they also have leased licenses it might be difficult to make a switch they can't do it with those ones.
So I understand you. It's just an idea since I've seen we could change OS and versions now.
Oh, and can you do away with those ".php" extensions on the URLs? That's is soooo 1990's... :D

We're pleased to announce that our new website is ready for testing:

please give it a try, and if you happen to be buying a new license, feel free to test it out, poke at it, etc, so it can get some real world testing before set is as the main site.

We'll probably keep it open for public testing for at least a few weeks, just to ensure it's working correctly.
The current/old site will go up as once we convert to the new one, just for a while anyway.


One word says it all, NICE!!!!
That's a nice redesign !
Looking forward to the DA skin ! it looks so much better, will take DA into the new age :)
WOW! The new site is awesome.... but like others said, the princing page is very dark...

Seems DA will also get a new default skin... The screenshot on the home page Looks pretty nice!

Seems DA will also get a new default skin... The screenshot on the home page Looks pretty nice![/QUOTE]
Very nice redesign! Are you also busy on a redesign for the Knowledge Base and Site Helper sites?

The only thing I dislike is the readability of the Features detail pages, like for example:

These pages are very hard to read with the new design. The old format, like the current KB format is way easier on the eye imho.
I feel the same, the old format is much easier for reading. Probably font should be of more contrast: thicker and darker.

The only thing I dislike is the readability of the Features detail pages, like for example:

These pages are very hard to read with the new design. The old format, like the current KB format is way easier on the eye imho.

Kind Regards,
Any idea when the new skin will become available? We're waiting for the new skin to create new knowledgebase articles and videos.

Clients are also asking when the new skin will become available as the enhanced skin has become quite dated for todays design standards.
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