I like the site, but the license overview became a little unclear if you have more than a handful of licenses. There's too much going on.
It'd be nice to know the main issue you see there

I like the site, but the license overview became a little unclear if you have more than a handful of licenses. There's too much going on.
We're pleased to announce that our new website is ready for testing:
please give it a try, and if you happen to be buying a new license, feel free to test it out, poke at it, etc, so it can get some real world testing before set is as the main site.
We'll probably keep it open for public testing for at least a few weeks, just to ensure it's working correctly.
The current/old site will go up as oldsite.directadmin.com once we convert to the new one, just for a while anyway.
The only thing I dislike is the readability of the Features detail pages, like for example:
These pages are very hard to read with the new design. The old format, like the current KB format is way easier on the eye imho.