New DirectAdmin website!!

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Imo, the website was shown to be 'tested'.
But it so happened the new site showed a preview of the new skin as well.

The DA-website is only relevant for new visitors/customers.
Server-Admins, I agree, would much more be interested in testing a new skin for the DA-panel.
True. The new website itself (although nice) is not of much use/interest to me.
The new skin however, I can't wait to see in full and take for a spin :)
Finally, escape from its classic style with new logo, new design. Looks lighter :)
What caused your prices to be more expensive than cpanel ?

What are you talking about? Cpanel cost 45 for monthly, DirectAdmin cost 29 monthly. Cpanel cost 425 yearly, DirectAdmin cost 200 yearly.
Not to forget, you can't buy a cpanel lifetime license anymore. A Directadmin lifetime license cost only 299.
Imo, the website was shown to be 'tested'.
But it so happened the new site showed a preview of the new skin as well.

The DA-website is only relevant for new visitors/customers.
Server-Admins, I agree, would much more be interested in testing a new skin for the DA-panel.

As announced on the newsite the skin will be available in summer. Probably some of us here will see it earlier. Who knows...
Oke but if it's about functionality, it would be nice to have an option that also lifetime licenses can change license ip and OS. ;)
Newsite design is very nice and also I agree with @Richard G !
I LOVE IT!!! :)

Great job guys!! All them other panels better get ready and, like the song says "Move out da way!" :)

Feels so fresh. Excellent job guys, on behalf of out team.
I like the site, but the license overview became a little unclear if you have more than a handful of licenses. There's too much going on.
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