Verified User
I have a fresh install of DA on CentOS7 (also tried on Ubuntu18.04). It is currently behind a router on NAT, but DA sees the external IP fine, and all required ports (except SSH) is open on the router. When I visit the website set up, I get an Apache is working normally. I have googled and searched these forums for a while, trying many provided solutions to no avail. Some of the given solutions actually caused my apache to crash on Ubuntu, which is why I now reinstalled on CentOS.
It is a clean install, Solo license until I get everything working, no changes made (extra modules, php, etc all standard). Any idea's?
I have already tried rebuilding the conf's,
I have already tried
It is a clean install, Solo license until I get everything working, no changes made (extra modules, php, etc all standard). Any idea's?
I have already tried rebuilding the conf's,
I have already tried