Newbie & New Setup - Pls Help


New member
May 31, 2004
Hey guys, I have been following this forum for a couple of days whilst contemplating a server running Direct Admin.

It's all setup now, and I have a fresh install of DA going.

Basically, I'm not afraid to admit I'm a complete newbie and am hoping a couple of you guys can talk me through getting it up and running.

Here is the scenario. I have 5 IP Addresses available to me and have no idea how to set this all up.

I need to be able to create hosting accounts for individual sites (about 12 all up) (reseller functionality is of no concern to me).
These sites need nameservers... ns1 and

Then I have one particuarly large site that I want to assign it's own specific name server and IP address to and create the account.

Please, I have read the support tutorials and it really still isn't making sense. If someone can post the steps one by one. I will do them each at a time and report back here.

Thanks in advance to any who can spare me a few minutes.
You are having all the same confusions I was having last week with my new DA install. I have to step out for a cuople of hours, but I will post more info a little later.

But to get you started here's some important info: The "reseller" interface is a misleading term. More than being for just "resellers", this interface is an essential administration layer for all accounts.

More soon...
Marc_R said:
Here is the scenario. I have 5 IP Addresses available to me and have no idea how to set this all up.
Use one IP# as the shared IP# for the server, and set up all your domains on that IP# unless they require their own SSL Cert, in which case give them their own IP#.
I need to be able to create hosting accounts for individual sites (about 12 all up) (reseller functionality is of no concern to me).
Then set up all domains under admin's reseller pages; simply log on as admin, and click on "Reseller".
These sites need nameservers... ns1 and
Probably not, unless you're affiliated with Henry Gibson at Epicene Design, in Oxford, UK, since he owns
Then I have one particuarly large site that I want to assign it's own specific name server and IP address to and create the account.
Under Administrator Settings set up your two nameserver names for a domain on that server, likely not

Under DNS Administration set up two A records, one for ns1 and one for ns2, for that domain name, pointing to the first two IP#s on your server.

Under DNS for each domain to use those nameserver names (including the domain for which you've just added the two A records) add two NS records, one each pointing to ns1 and to ns2, on whatever your domain name is.

At each domain's registrar, change the Nameserver assignment to your two nameservers.

At the registrar for the domain for which you've created the ns1 and ns2 records you must "register a nameserver"; that's not the same as assigning a nameserver and the instructions depend on which registrar you're using.

Use the first IP# you have as the "shared" IP# for the box, and reserve the others for assignment to your admin account.

Then set up that "large" site on one of those other IP#s.

Set up ns1 and ns2 for that domian, pointing to perhaps the same IP#s as the original nameservers, or perhaps two others (it really doesn't matter; I'd use the same if your registrar allows registrations of new nameservers that way). Register the nameservers with the registrar for the domain in question. Also assign the nameservers to that domain name.

Also make sure you've got DNS A records for both ns1 and ns2 for that domain.
