Solved no access in user mode


Verified User
Jul 31, 2022

I have installed Softaculous.

I have a problem, it is active for users, but when I connect to know if I can connect, I have a blank page.

Any idea?

You might best ask Softaculous or put in a support ticket. We have very good experiences with their support.

I presume you didn't change anything on perl permissions either? Because that also can cause some odd white page issues.
@Richard G, I just installed, I did not change anything at the level of permissions, I will follow this via their support, I keep you informed of the continuation ...
@Richard G, I have a problem, I know what was happening, but Softaculous how to start ?

Because when I do an htop, neither in php nor in perl, I see it working, logical ?

neither in php nor in perl, I see it working, logical ?
Yes, that's logical because it's an system plugin, not a daemon or a php plugin.
You should be able to see it present in Directadmin somewhere.
Should be installed in the /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/softaculous/ directory.

I know what was happening
So what was happening then? I'm curious. :)
Should be installed in the /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/softaculous/ directory.

Yes @Richard G it is well installed on my server, and the worst is that, I do not know if it is because I connect in double identification, but in admin, I know more connect me...

Crazy ...
I do not know if it is because I connect in double identification, but in admin, I know more connect me...
Sorry, I'm also not native English but I don't understand this one.

Anyway, I don't know which skin you have, but if you're logged in as admin, it should be under extra features like this.
@Richard G ,
the solution, it is when I change of template in the zone admin, with the theme evolution that bug is when I change, I know to reach as user in SoftAculous.


There is a bug with the display between Evolution and SoftAculous that the support of this one, do not know how to solve, is going to ask the support of DA to solve the problem.

Oke, it might indeed be to the recent changes in Evo. Good that they found this and hopefully it will get fixed.
Keep us informed!
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I have a similar problem. When I try to enable a fresh install in softaculous I see a blank screen. The installation works fine on some users.
The same goes for the main settings tab
what browser do you use ?

According to the support, it is necessary that this function "Show Softaculous in Native UI" is deactivated, without that, via the theme evolution, this connection in user will not work.

As @Richard G tells me, contact the support of Softaculous, because the I do not know to give you more support, I asked, on my side, it works, but it is as even worrying in the without, that the without that if, you change theme, in user it works...

PS : Softaculous to version v5.8.9