No domain receives emails from the server.

Email blocked by
Look like the sending gmail server was shortly on the spamhaus blacklist and still on the 0spam blacklist. Looks like it's cleared now.

Try again and also try sending from another mail addres to your server.

Also to check if your server is configured correctly, visit and follow instructions and post results here.
Any domain that sends to my server returns the error...


OBS: | Excessive Number of Queries
This return code indicates that you made the DNSBL query via a DNS resolver that isn't conforming with our usage terms, i.e., is making an excessive number of queries. Consequently, the query is blocked, and it will return no reputation data.

Why are excessive query numbers an issue? As we've already touched on, this free service is for non-commercial use. We limit the number of queries made to the free public mirrors to secure high service levels for all its intended users.

What to do if you repeatedly receive this code? As with the previous return code, you need to ensure that it is not being used to reject email or for any other blocking or filtering of any internet traffic by any application.

Your needs (and query volumes) are commercial; therefore, we recommend trying the Data Query Service (DQS) managed by Spamhaus Technology, which distributes the data.
All the tests from are OK. The problem is when sending to my server.

Could it really be a spamhaus error? ( | Excessive Number of Queries).