No perl cgi scripts working

Best security, use #1 and for now, manually remove the RGroups setting from your data/templates/virtual_host2*.conf templates.
Once DA is released, no need to manually change the templates, the RGroups are already gone.
Previous I changed back /usr/bin/perl to group: apache and owner: root, however I see it is now changed back to group: root and owner: root, I don't know when it happened, but it has happened automatically. Maybe it happen when I upgraded from CentOS 6.4 to 6.5?

Anyway, I just upgraded DirectAdmin to the newest version wich has this fix:

And then I tested the script from nobaloney, and the script still work even though I am running /usr/bin/perl with permission root:root - so maybe it is the change in newest DirectAdmin version that fix it, and maybe it is ok to keep /usr/bin/perl at root:root ...