OpenLiteSpeed page:7080 won't display


Verified User
Mar 6, 2023
Very 1st time on Directadmin. I install clean on Ubuntu svr 22.x, then I install OpenLiteSpeed following this tuto.
I check in Dashboard / Show Services and looks its ok and running :


Then I try to access to

I have error page cannot display. I also try

netstat -ntlp|grep 7080

Have this output : (but no idea what this mean...)


Need a little suggestion here please.
i tried all ... http...https..... /login.php without.... no page display at all...
*/3 * * * * root if ! find /home/*/domains/*/*_html/ -maxdepth 2 -type f -newer /usr/local/lsws/cgid -name '.htaccess' -exec false {} +; then /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart; fi
I got ...

bash: syntax error near unexpected token `then'
Two things you can try to access LiteSpeed Dashboard
1. Make sure your IP and Port are whitelisted in CSF or any other firewall you might install
2. Rebuild LiteSpeed
I'm guessing your firewall does what CSF does... is that it? Did you open port 7080 on your hardware firewall?
I'm guessing your firewall does what CSF does... is that it? Did you open port 7080 on your hardware firewall?
Exactly so having double fw is not meaning so I disable the csf. And yes I open port 7080 for remote access.
hmmm, Don't force stop all if you want to use Bruteforce Protection, Wordpress scanner protection. Just open port :7080 in csf.

Just open port :7080 in csf.
Yeah, that's what I would have done. Sounds like @121343 doesn't need the LFD features of CSF. Not everyone uses OpenLiteSpeed or LiteSpeed so CSF doesn't automatically open port 7080. I did look back and the DA installation clearly says: Please make sure that port 7080 is open in firewall.

Admittedly, I don't even have port 7080 open. With OpenLiteSpeed on DA there isn't anything you can do with the WebAdmin console.
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